IX. So I met this boy at Boba Time

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[photo-Pinterest; Lin-Manuel Miranda; the Ellen Show (?)]
So, I was scheduled for an orthodontist appointment, but before my mom and I stopped at Boba Time for smoothies. And I saw this kid. He was wearing a Hamilton jacket. I'd seen him around school a lot and I've told him I loved his jacket often. I never knew this kid's name.

So after I ordered, I went over to this kid in the waiting line. This is our conversation.
"Hey, how did you get here so fast?" I asked.
"I walk fast." He laughed.
"I love your Hamilton hoodie. It's cool." I said.
He responded with "Thanks, my mom and I went to go see Hamilton in New York with the original cast, Lin, Phillipa, they were all there. We even saw Lin in his car.".
My mouth dropped. Who the fuck is this kid and how can we be friends? "You fucking suck, just kidding, how was it?".

He told me everything. How nice it was, his stay in New York, and only in a matter of minutes. I decided I want to be his friend.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked.
"Byron." He said.
"My name is &)@:&." I said.

And just like that. He was gone. He left Boba Time and walked into the storm of kids wanting to go to this shitty mini mall. And I decided I would find this kid and we would become friends. I'll see what I can update you with.

I intended to befriend Byron, and I will be his friend. I am not throwing away my shot to befriend this kid.

UPDATE: we aren't friends

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