XXI. SPECIAL: Book Review

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[photo-Pinterest: "Alex and Eliza" by Melissa de la Cruz; TwirlingPages.com]
   THIS IS MY FIRST SPECIAL!! Prepare for more specials where I do historical books, I have a list of books I want to review for y'all. Plus, call me the Pokémon go kid because I'm back. Also, comment if you read the book! Give me a review from your point of view. Okay, on to the book review.

  Alright so! Have you heard of the book "Alex and Eliza" by Melissa de la Cruz? Well, fuck yeah I did.

  I bought this book a while back, two Sundays ago, or the 23rd of April

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  I bought this book a while back, two Sundays ago, or the 23rd of April. I started it and finished it the next day. It was sooo good. It was 300-some pages of pure tragic-romantic-comedy goodness. Literally. And so, I present it you a special book review. By me.

  We start off with what this book is about, the (real life) love story of Elizabeth Anne Schuyler and Alexander Hamilton. The one based off of these fuckers:

 The one based off of these fuckers:

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   Yup. Them. But, instead of using Phillipa and Lin's features, they used they actual historical attributes, ginger hair for Alexander, curly brown hair for Eliza. Melissa had every opportunity to make it after Lin and Phillipa, which part of me probably would have enjoyed a tad bit more, but, what can you do? And oh yes, all your favorite characters are in there. John Laurens, Washington, Lafayette, Peggy, Angelica, John Church, and more! Which is the best part. Sadly, no Hercules Mulligan.
   I must warn you though, there is unhistorically accurate characters, those being the Livingtons and more, but I will get to them later.

  Now this book, for all its fabulous writing, wondrous dialogue, and other gems, but the book had blatant favoritism. Waaaay to much favoritism towards Eliza, which is this book's one downfall. Eliza, in the musical and often in history, was described as docile, quiet, reserved, immediately smitten for Hamilton. In the book, she is almost none of those things. She is quite, okay, she acts like a tsundere most of the book. Which bothers me. Yes. This book, for all its goodness, is really and at Eliza's personality. Melissa nails Angelica, Alexander, and literally every other character or at their personalities, and maybe even their historical looks, but still. Everything else is quite inaccurate about Eliza. At least, personality wise. In the middle, or at least for the most of the times she has time with Alexander, she acts like a tsundere, but in the beginning, and definitely at the end, she acts like normal Eliza. Which is good.

Now, there is one character that consistently pisses me off. Henry. Motherfucking. Livingston. Henry Livingston, a seemingly OC x Eliza type character, acts as Eliza's fiancé for a quarter of the story. He is the biggest dick ever. For the beginning of the story, he acts like a man who clearly is marrying Eliza because he has to, and the story has him only because of a trope for Alexander to come in and save Eliza. Spoiler ahead. Wait for the countdown.
Henry Livingston, throughout the story, or at least when we have him is a total dickweed.

Spoiler in.....





   When him and Eliza are together, Eliza acts like normal (musical) Eliza. Sweet, caring, and calm. She hands Henry a cup of hot chocolate, to which he reacts like she just handed him drain cleaner (Heathers reference). He does some shit, and then, the trope comes in.
   He attempts to rape Eliza. Or least forcefully have sex with her a day before their wedding. Which leaves room for Alexander to come in and be the hero, which he was. I honestly couldn't stop reading that chapter over and over. Mostly because of the ending, Alex and Eliza have an impromptu make out sesh. Fuck yes.


   My absolute least favorite part of the book is the honeymoon. It turned me into a crimson blushing mess, and just when I was ready for some lemony goodness (if y'all catch my drift), and then she didn't write that shit.

Melissa, you had every opportunity to write a lemony goodness scene, especially with your fabulous writing skills, AND THEN YOU DON'T!?! I understand why though, she'd have to change the rating. It's a romanticize of a lemon I can find on Achieve of our Own.

  The book in general, even if you aren't a Hamilton fan, (which if you are reading my book, and you aren't a Hamilton fan, damn, you are really dedicated) but you like American history, you'd still love this book. It's fabulously written. Which Hamilfans, it is hard to follow the descriptions without seeing Lin and Phillipa. I still, whenever I read the book, all I can see is Lin and Phillipa and their iconic costumes. But hey, nothing wrong with that. But honestly, if this wasn't enough, I assure you, the book is fabulous. It is a wonder to read, but i will warn you, it causes
•wanting to throw your book
•mad blushing
•wanting to read every fanfic ever
•intense John Laurens love
•and more!

  It is a wonderful book. You can buy it at any bookstore or ebook story near you. It is truly a wonderful book. You'd love it, my friends.
Here is the late information:

 Next book, "The Hamilton Affair"

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Next book, "The Hamilton Affair".


  Well guys, I'm back. For real. New updating schedule. Tuesday's and Friday's. Honestly. And besides, you need to read this book! See you next time! -DSRG87

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