XIX. Send Me a Musical...

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[photo-Pinterest: megikarp.instragram; "The Hamiltons", Eliza (left), Phillip (middle), Alexander (right)]
Send me a musical and I'll tell you...
•The first song from this show I heard: The opening track, "Alexander Hamilton". Thank you, Meghan. She got into it.
•So I own the cast album?: No, sadly, I really want to though....... UPDATE: yes
•Favorite song: The Reynolds Pamphlet, legit my TURNUP!
•Least favorite song: Hate to say it, Cabinet Battle(s) #1&2. It's always super cringey. It just is!
•Favorite character: That's really hard, probs Alexander himself or, Eliza? No. I love them but uh, can't decide. NO! It's TJeff. Fuck yes.
•Least favorite character: Samuel Seabury can suck the dick that I don't have....
•BROTP: Lams, fam. I have to do that shit. Leggy (kind of ship that as a ship though), JMads (bestie goals).
•NOTP: Anything that has to do with King George III and anybody. Groffsauce I love you but I can't....
•Song I didn't like at first but now do: Who Lives, Who Dies, who Tells your Story? I cried every fucking time.
•Song I used to like but now don't: "Aaron Burr, Sir". I hate that shit so much, so fucking cringey.
•Is the fandom annoying?: Depends, it can beautiful or cringey.
•Do I read/write fanfic for this show?: You bet your ass I do.
•Favorite non-sung line: N/A (probs the TJeff commentary in "Reynolds Pamphlet")
•Favorite lyric: "The world has no right to my heart, The world has no place in our bed, They don't get to know what I said, I'm burning the memories, Burning the letters that might have redeemed you, You forfeit all rights to my heart, You forfeit the place in our bed, You'll sleep in your office instead, With only the memories Of when you were mine" -Elizabeth Hamilton
•Overall rating out of 10: 10/10.

Hey guys! So, basically, I have many more "Some (Blank) Shit"s on the way. And I am probably gonna condense the musicals into one giant one, as well as others. But who knows. Love y'all!

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