VI. I Had a Dream....

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[photo-Pinterest; Google Search: Phillipa Soo]
  Alright so last night, I had a dream alright, and in said dream, I met Phillipa Soo. My goddamn QUEEN. Like I WORSHIP this angel. Human embodiment of sunshine, this woman. She's my hero.
   I love her. And so apparently, in my dream, I met her. I shook her hand, we took a picture, and I hugged her. I told her that she was my hero, and we had a conversation.
  And then, I woke up. I thought I actually met Phillipa. I was so mad when I found out I didn't. It was 6:13 in the morning, I realized I didn't meet my queen, and I almost punched a wall once I got to school. Like DAMN.

   In short, my brain likes to think I met the Hamilton cast, when really, I didn't. Yes, this has happened before. I thought I met: Lin, Daveed, Leslie, and a few others when really, I was snoring away. In short, fuck my mental conscious for being Hamiltrash to the extent that I am.

UPDATE 05-08-17: I had another Phillipa dream, where I had her email and we talked, she liked me as a person, and she wanted to go to my dance competition. But she didn't have the time. But in the beginning, we hugged for like, 20 minutes and I cried. Fuck my brain. Fuck it.

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