Chapter Two

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Quick Note: Okay here is chapter two. I modeled some of it after my own experiences so any questions you have I will answer EXCEPT giving away the story =P Now I must get some editing on On the Couch done. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I am so excited to write this book because of all that I have planned for it. =D Thank you all for being such wonderful and loyal readers and fans! There are also two poems that I wrote when I was a teenager posted as well if you wouldn't mind taking a look at them in my works section.



I stood there and watched as the tears rolled down my face. Everything seemed to be moving in slow-motion. The faint sound of a car door being shut made me jump and my surrounding environment suddenly rushed back into my awareness.

The smoke alarm screeched loudly in my ears and the smell of burnt food and smoke assaulted my senses. I ran into the kitchen to see a cloud billowing over the stove. Quickly, I moved the pan off the stove into the sink and ran the cold water. Another cloud of steam sizzled and rose burning my eyes that were already vulnerable from my tears.

I knocked the incessant smoke alarm off the wall with a broom and turned the overhead fan on. On my way back out, I flung the backyard door open to let the smoke out and ran back to the front.

The police lights were gone.

“No,” I whimpered. I took off running to the parking lot leaving my door wide open.

Huffing and puffing from my sobs I leaned against Evan’s car parked next to mine and frantically looked around. I caught the tail end of the police cruiser leaving the parking lot. I slid down the side of his car crying, sobbing uncontrollably. I held my arms tightly around my chest, it felt like my heart had stopped and the tears dripped onto my sweater sleeves.

Evan arrested for Jerry’s murder. It cannot be. He didn’t do it. I stopped him. How can they possibly pin this on him? What evidence is there?

I didn’t want to picture him in an orange jumpsuit, if they really were orange like they always are on TV. Evan sharing a cell with a real criminal made me sick. I buried my head in my hands and let the sobs come.

“Sonja?” I looked up to see my neighbor Kim staring at me with concern. “I saw your door open taking out the trash and Boxer whining just inside.”

“Oh my god.” I gulped in a breath and jumped up. My neighbor quickly followed me. Boxer stood there in the door way whimpering.

“I’m so sorry buddy.” I picked him up and cuddled him to me.

“Is everything alright?” Kim asked me taking in my tear stained face.

“Yes just something happened with Evan,” I didn’t feel like explaining.

“Was that what the police were here for?”

I nodded.

“I’m sorry dear, I’m sure they have made a mistake. Do you need anything?”

“No I have to make some phone calls…thank you Kim,” I smiled sadly at her.

“Anytime,” she tried to give me a reassuring smile as I went back inside my apartment and locked the door.

The smoke had cleared and the only sound was the running water over the crispy burnt chicken and the fan on the stove. I turned both off.

Boxer followed me around as I cleared the stove off of the other food. He could tell something was very wrong. Soon as my hands were steady enough to hold a phone, I called Kyle as Evan instructed.

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