Chapter Six

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Quick Note: Wow, I am terribly sorry for the week almost week and a half wait for this update. And it is a short one. I feel awful to leave you all hanging so long and its not my typical way of doing things. I recently last week got my tax refund back and was paying bills, and getting things started for my editor for On the Couch and I copyrighted the book yesterday so that is big steps at least for me. Plus just taking care of my son and bleh, just busy and too tired to do anything. I hope my bout of writer's block is gone and updates will begin to pick up again. I love you all so much for sticking by me and my story waiting patiently for an update. You are the best fans and readers ever! <3


“Did you realize the back door was open all night?” Evan called amused, as I came into the living room. I had just woken up and smelt the aroma of coffee brewing.

He stood at the open sliding door watching the view out of my yard with just a pair of sweats hanging from his hips. His chest rose and fell gently with his breathing as he sipped from the coffee mug. My mouth watered and I bit my bottom lip, it was too early to be this turned on already, I thought to myself as my eyes roamed over every rippling inch of his body.

“Is Boxer okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, I fed him,” he smiled at me as I padded into the kitchen.

Being apart for five days doesn’t seem to have changed anything. We went about our morning routine as if nothing happened; we were synced so well together. I yawned as I creamed my coffee and came to stand next to Evan. He put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him. He kissed the top of my head as he inhaled and I closed my eyes.

“It sure is good to have you home,” I said nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck.

“Yes it is, I see you had some of my favorite beer last night,” he chuckled referencing the two empty beer bottles on my coffee table.

“I needed some part of you…I didn’t realize I’d get you back at the time.”

“We should get ready for work,” he said after a few silent moments of just being together again.

I groaned. “Do we have to go? I just got you back,” I smiled up at him.

“We have all weekend.” Evan leaned in to kiss my lips gently.

“And I promised Stacy I’d do wedding stuff with her this weekend.”

“Well you can still do that. Not my place to break up plans you made when you had no idea I was coming home.”

“What do you have to do today?”

“I’m going to find out who bailed me out and go relieve Kyle. I have to clean out my things from Mayweather’s office as well. Kyle has been stressed out keeping this from her.” He sighed heavily.

“Oh I didn’t think about that. Is someone else taking over her office now that you and Kyle are up and running?”

“Yes.” I could take a hint and this is a subject he didn’t want to talk about.

I finished my coffee standing with Evan until time demanded action. We showered together washing the other. It was hard not to attempt to play, but we both had business to do and it was nice to just have the simple intimacy of a shower together again.

As we got dressed together I had forgotten that he did have changes of clothes at my place. Maybe it wasn’t like nothing had happened after all if I didn’t even notice that from him being gone for five days.

“You’ve been packing?”

I flushed. “Yeah, I figured it would keep me busy and not constantly thinking about you being in that place,” I didn’t want to say the word jail.

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