[12] Suspected

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I havnt thought of hoseok the same sense that tuesday. It had only been a day and I wished he would dance for me again. I hadn't spoke about it to him though. But, that wasn't the only reason I couldn't get him off my mind. I still remembered him saying he was purposely hurt, so much to put him in the hospital, by a family member. That made me worried, and I'm not sure why. I remember seeing him hurt alot, and I've never been to his house.  But that doesn't mean anything, right? Even if he did come to me, sobbing and crying last night. I didn't ever ask him why.

After school hoseok and I were hanging out at my house, we were playing video games. When my mom came home from her business work.


ny head shot up, with a huge grin.

"Mom! I'm in my room!  Also the neighbors over!"

I looked to hoseok and smiled. He returned the smile, beautifully. My mom then opened the door.

"Oh, hello hoseok!"

Hoseok waved, like the precious human he is, and smiled.

"Hello, ms.Kim!"

"Well, im make food for you boys, continue to have fun."

She smiled and closed the door. I turned to him and smiled. We continued to play games until dinner was ready. We ran down the stairs and sat at the table, my mother sat two bowls of Guk. We then ate.

"So, hoseok,"

Hoseok looked up to her.

" You know, taehyungs single  and gay, so-"


I screeched. I turned pink and kept my head down, until I heard a response.

" don't feel embarrassed, i am too."

My mother and hoseok laughed, before returning to eat. After dinner we all left, I let hoseok spend the night,  he seemed tired, so he layed on the left of my bed. sleeping  adorably. I covered him up with the blanket and he grabbed my arm, still asleep, he then put it between his body and began to cuddle with it, smiled and blushed, but I can't deny the feeling, I loved it.

That's when I knew for sure, I had fell for a one jung hoseok

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