[22] lunch

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I couldn't believe it.

Hoseoks sister just walked in on us..

We were on our way to a diner..but I just couldn't get the fact she saw us, out of my mind. She didn't seem to care. But hoseok was a flirt? I can't wait to bug him about this later! I also am excited to learn cute embarrassing things he did!

We arrived at the place,  and got out of the car. We then walked in and got a table for three, once seated, we began to talk, while waiting to order.


I began, looking up at her, putting my elbow on the table and my head in my hand.

"HOW was hoseok as a kid?"

I saw hoseok blush out of the corner of my eye, while on the other hand, Dawon smirked.

"Well, in kindergarten..he tried to glue a kid to his seat 'cause the kid called him lazy. He said 'who's lazy now?' "

We all laughed.

"And I remember mom and dad's face! They were so mad-"

DAWONS smile dropped and she looked down, only to look up again and put on a smile, though it looked forced.

"He also used to come in my room when our parents were fighting and crawl next to me, we used to color and listen to his favorite kpop band."

She said,looking to hoseok, who was on the edge of tears.
I quickly patted his bsck, and leaned in and whispered,

"Hey. No tears ,love. Everything's okay."

He nodded and turned to me, smiling.

"You all are really cute together! Tell me how you met!"

I smiled.

"He was my neighbor, one night I was texting my friends, when my mom told me to say hi to the neighbor. Once that neighbor, hoseok, opened the door..I instantly fell in love. His voice and the way he looked perfect in just a plain shirt. The way he was perfect. Then the next day I saw him walking to school and offered to give him a ride. And he took it. I introduced him to my friends, and he hung out with us ever sense then."

Dawon squealed then looked to me.

"Well..I didn't want to tell you this..but one night, after i moved. I was...in the bathroom and I heard a knock at the door. So i ran for a towel and opened the door to see an attractive young man, with two other adults. And even after I closed the door..even after I cleaned up the mess I made, and the blood n' stuff, I still couldn't get him off my mind. "

Hoseok smiled to me, then gave me a confused look to why I was frowning.



I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the bathroom, once in stopping.

"Ow! What is it tae?"

I pulled up his sleeve, to reveal multiple cuts.

"IS this what you were doing the night I met you?"

Hoseok looked down in shame. I began to cry. I then wrapped my armys around him and clung to him.i began to sob in his shoulder.

" Im sorry i wasn't there."

That's all I said,  after I cleaned my face up, we got up and say back down.  We quickly ate and then dawon drove us to hoseoks new home.


Any suggestions for what should happen next? Hmmm



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