[40] graduation

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IT was today.

The weeks turned into days and now..seconds.

I never thought this moment would come.

I'd actually graduate.

I'd be alive.

I now sat in the chairs next to the stage, with the one I loved, and the best friends I could ever have. As our names were listen off, one by one. We were all eventually on the stage. As I look off in the crowd I notice a familiar face.  Mom?

Mom's here.

After all these years

She's here.

I felt taehyungs embrace. I turned to him and put my head in the crook oh his neck and began to sob.  I heard taehyung whisper.

"Hey, it's okay baby. It'll be okay. Your mom's here. Isn't that good?"

I shrugged and continued to sob. We then got to the end and all threw our hat up and yelled.

Taehyung and I trampled over to my mom and sister.

"Honey! Hobi,  dear!"

My mother  came crying to me. She hugged me tight.

"I've missed you so much.  I'm so sorry."

She pulled away and kissed my cheek. Taehyung then wrapped his arm around me.

"Mom this is taehyung, my boyfriend."

A bit my lip nervously.

She smiled widely and came to him, arms wide open.

"Im glad hobi finally found a boy for him! I remember how he used to stare at this one kid, he was in his kindergarten class...hmmm...Hongbin maybe?"

I sighed and wave my hand.

She laughed.

"Well, maybe tomorrow is four could go get lunch?"

She smiled and we all nodded. Taehyung said goodbye to all of our friends and we went back home to dawons house. Taehyung layed on my bed and I layed next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer.



"Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, of course."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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