[35] I love you hyung~

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We had gotten hoseok febreze and we were now at the hotel. We opened the door, to a room full of rose petals and hearts all over the walls. There was a cake and two bowls full of noodles.

"Oh- we interrupted one of their dates, im go-"

"No-jimin! I had them do this for us!"

Jimin looked to me in shock.

"But it's not my birthday? I don't deserve this."

"No, you deserve way more than this. But this is the best i could do, please, sit down."

I stared at him in shock, but then sat down.

"Jimin, ever sense we met,  at that caffe, i never got you off my mind. And I never thought I'd get the chance to be this close to you. I know the others tease you about liking me, but I don't believe it's true because why would such an amazing person like me. But, if some weird force possessed you to like me, then that'd be amazing because..I like you too."

I stared at him in shock.

"Y-you actually  like me? B-but I'm so..so..so stupid and ugly- I'm not someone to be liked-"

"No! Jimin that's not true!you're amazing! You're attractive and funny and smart."

Jungkook said while putting a piece of hair behind my ear.

I then began to cry. He hugged me and wiped my tears away.

"Whats the matter?"

"Ive..I've never felt so loved kookie, i like you. I do!"

He then kissed my cheek.

"HOW about we eat? Eh?"

I nodded and began to eat the noodles.

"So, where are the others?"

He shrugged.

"I just asked them to do this and go some where. They're probably at Hyochans."


Once we were done eating, jungkool let me cut the cake.

"I can bet that hosoek and taehyung made that cake."

Jungkook laughed.

I nodded.

"Yeah. Only hoseok likes Pastel colors."

We laughed. Once we were done eating we layed on the bed and turned on the movie they had for us. I wrapped my arm around Jungkooks waist and wrapped my legs around his legs. We stayed there all night, watching the movie. I soon fell asleep.

Next to the one I love ~



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