[25] mine

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I had drove hoseok to school, but once we got there, he headed off to his locker and today I decided to go ahead to class.  It was already first period.  Hoseok didn't come to homeroom.  I began to worry. I asked my teacher to excuse me and I started to wonder the hallways. I had almost successfully checked every part in the school, without getting caught, until I heard voices.

"Go back to where you're from."
A voice spat.

"Nobody wants you here. You're unwanted."

I poked my head out to see hoseok curled in a ball on the ground, crying. While two other figures stood above him.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

I screamed. The two turned to me.

"And who might you be?"

"I'm taehyung. His boyfriend. He's mine."

I growled.

They looked to me in shock.


I smirked. They knew that if I reported then bullying hoseok, the principle would give them a slap on the wrist, but If it was bullying because of his sexuality, then they'd get suspended.

Once they left, I  ran to hoseok.

I sat next to him and pulled him in my lap.

"Hobi, Baby, are you okay?"

He grabbed me and pulled me in a hug, crying in my shoulder. I rubbed circles in his back and shushed him.

"Hoseok, nothing they said is true.-"

"But taehyung! Everything they said was true!"

He cried out.i shook my head.

"No, baby..it's not. You're wanted here,  we all love you. I love you."

"I love you too"

He whimpered.

"What do you say we skip today? Maybe all seven of us can go on a road trip for a week to get your mind off things, eh?"

Hoseok nodded.



We stayed there for about twenty minutes until hoseok told me we needed to go to class.

*Time skip to lunch[they decided not to skip]*

Hoseok sat down at the table next to me, I let him sit by the wall.

"Hey, hoseok , why weren't you in first period ? Taehyung was really worried."

Namjoon looked to me, concerned.

"He just ran into some bullies, i took care of it."

Namjoon frowned.


Yoongi sat down, but today was different. He was ENERGETIC?

(A/n: I'm a bad person xD)


We all looked up to him.


JIN hummed.

"Hyochan and I are going to meet! Next week I'm going to Wonju to see him! And I don't want to go alone, so would you all like to go?"

Yoongi smiled widely.

I looked to hoseok and he nodded.

"Hobi and I will go."

"I'll go..as long as jimin goes though. "

Jungkook said looking to jimin who nodded and smiled.

Namjoon wrapped his arm around jin.

"We'll go."

Yoongi nodded and clapped his hands together.

"IT'S set! We'll leave friday!"


I had to do so much research to make sure that wonju  was a accurate place to go lmao.



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