Dorcas Meadowes

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Dorcas Meadowes

I'm writing you because its important you hear what happened coherently and quickly before Sirius can tell you some messed up version himself, or you hear it some other way. Some things have been happening here... and I ask you to hear out the whole story before you judge.
Sirius has realized he needs help. That's the good news.,
The bad is that he had to fall pretty far to realize it.
There's this bloke here in town, Sirius has probably talked of him - Ace Dante. He's twenty-something and rides motorbikes and wears leather jackets and all that. You know, a punk rock type. And Sirius was infatuated with his motorbike last year. It's the one we rode to Hogsmeade to find you last summer. Well, Ace offered to sell him that bike and Sirius gave him a good deal of money for it - loads more than he should have - and Ace said he'd help him fix it up so Sirius's been going over there during the day and working on the bike all week. Well yesterday apparently Ace gave him a beer and something Sirius says he called Sunshine. Sirius slept with Ace.
But he wasn't in his right mind when he did it, Remus.
I came home last night and found him in a right state. He was paranoid and terrified of stupid things and soaked in rain and clearly not sober. Clearly not himself.
He asked for you the entire night. Over and over 'til he fell asleep. In the bath tub, might I add.
This morning he came to my room and he said he needs help. He told me his mum's been writing him letters, he's shown them to me, and... Remus, they're awful. He told me about the dementor you said he's told you of, that Achlys. She talks, did you know that? She tells him terrible, awful things.
But he's finally getting help.
I wanted you to know the whole story.
I hope you can forgive him.
He needs his Moony.

Sirius sat on the exam table in a private room in St. Mungo's. A witch with purple robes with a glittering silver mediwitch badge on the shoulder was looking him over carefully. She ran her hand over the scars on his back and shoulders that had been caused by fights with Remus on full moon nights and looked concerned. "What are these from?" she asked.

"A dog," Sirius answered.

The mediwitch frowned and continued on examining. She found the scars on Sirius's arms and looked up at him. "These aren't a dog, though," she said.

Sirius looked down.

The mediwitch sighed and she wrote something down on a clipboard, which she left on the counter. She stared at Sirius a few moments, then she said, "Let's get to know each other better, shall we?"

Sirius looked up. "Get to know each other?"

"Yes," the mediwitch smiled. She pointed to silver stitching on her shoulder that read D. Meadowes, MW. "My names is Dorcas Coriander Meadowes. I'm a registered mediwitch. I'm twenty-two. My favorite colour is silver. I have a cat named Felix, like the cartoon, and he likes oranges. I don't know why he likes oranges, but we share one every morning for breakfast." She smiled. "Your turn."

Sirius stared at her. "What sort of name is Dorcas?"

Her smile didn't waver, "It's Greek. It means Gazelle. Opa!"

Sirius couldn't help but think Dork was a good name for this person. "Alright." He leaned back, bracing himself with his fists on the table, trying to look cool. "I'm Sirius Orion Black. I'm sixteen. Red's my favorite colour. Like Gryffindor red, not some shitty cherry red. I'm... I'm punk rock. I like music. I'm a dog person." He smirked at this last one.

"Do you have a dog at home?" Dorcas Meadowes asked, smiling.

"No." He paused. Then, more to see her reaction than anything else, he said, "I don't have a home for that matter."

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