Chapter Two

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“River, Emery!” Calls my mother from downstairs. I have no idea where Emery is, however I’m alone in my room, doing nothing except thinking as usual. “We want to talk to you!”

Instantly I know this is a lecture hidden inside of a ‘family meeting.’ Unwillingly, I rise to my feet and head towards the door. Emery and I haven’t exchanged many words since two days ago when my parents brought up his birthday. Plus, he hasn’t been eating meals with us. I know he’s eating though, because the leftovers always seem to missing in the middle of the night.

Slowly, I take the steps one by one, prolonging the awkward conversation that’s sure to come. By the time I’m at the bottom everyone is waiting for me in the dimly lit living room. My father sits in his usual chair and my mother sits in the other. Emery is sitting on the end of the couch closest to me, his eyes not even flickering to see me walk in.

My mom gestures to beside him and I quickly hurry over. When I sit down, I know I’m stuck and there’s no chance of turning back. I sit as far back into the couch as I can, as if I can sink right into the fabric and miss this entire conversation. However as my hands fidget in my lap and my dad gives me a stern look, I know there is no chance that even a tornado can prolong this ‘family meeting.’

“Before we start this conversation,” my dad says, his voice full of authority as it breaks the silence. “You both need to know that it’s time to grow up.”

Emery avoids everyone’s eyes. Honestly, even though he acts like a complete jerk half of the time, I always thought he’s much more mature than me. After all he’s been through, why wouldn’t he be? However as my dad gives me another look, I know Emery and I both don’t meet his parenting expectations.

“Now, I know you’ve both been through a lot and have matured through the situations that have been thrown at you,” he sighs, scratching the back of his head. “But the arguing, fighting and giving each other the cold shoulder needs to stop if you’re bringing a child into this house!” I know his voice isn’t rising on purpose, but at the last words I see my mother wipe tears from her eyes before they can fall. I stare down at my stomach, no lump this early to show the sign of what’s really going on inside.

“They’re just teenagers,” my mother says softly, reaching over and resting her hand on my dad’s shoulder. “You can’t expect them to grow up a few years in a matter of months.”

My dad just shakes his head and then meets my eyes, then Emery’s. “Do either of you have any plans about the future? School? Work? Where you’re going to live after the baby is born?”

I picture myself as a stay at home mom. Someone has to take care of the baby and I don’t see myself going to school because I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. As for living somewhere, I have no idea. I’ll barely be eighteen by the time the baby’s born. How can my parents expect me to move out?

“So far,” I choke, finally able to spit words out because Emery isn’t speaking and one of us has to. “School and work are out of the question for me.” My mother shakes her head as a look of disappointment crosses my father’s face. “As for living arrangements, I don’t know how you two can expect us to live somewhere other than here.”

My dad chooses to ignore my answers that anger him as he turns to Emery. “What about you?” Emery finally looks up, his eyes full of worry as they meet my father’s. “Are you even going to stay here after you turn eighteen or are you going to run?”

“Dad!” I shout, jumping to my feet. Tears have already started creeping into my eyes as I clench my fists in anger.

“Honey, how can you say such a thing?” My mother says, her voice rising as she gets upset like me.

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