Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Authors Note:

Still not the last chapter! :)

Also, I'm still trying to find a picture of Emery with short hair. Until then, I think you'll just have to let your imaginations run wild :) (As long as you keep Emery very good-looking in them ;)

“Can I stop now?” pants Emery, staggering towards me. He leans over, resting his hands on his knees and leveling his head with his shoulders. Gasping for breath, he looks up at me with worried eyes.

I tap my chin with my fingers with a smirk on my face. I’d just made Emery run the obstacle course for the third time, and now things are starting to get interesting.

“No, I think a fourth run should just about satisfy me,” I grin, only gaining a hopeless look from him.

Just about?” he gasps, straightening up. “You realize we only run it once when we’re practicing, right?”

“Well, next time you run it with everyone else you’ll be the best!” I wink at him and he slowly steps towards me, resting his hands on my shoulders.

“Please River,” he murmurs, brushing his lips across my forehead. He slowly moves his lips down to my cheek, then the place where my chin meets my neck, trying to distract me.

“Okay,” I reply smugly. “Then when you come back home, you’ll have to sit through Twilight.”

Emery pulls back, his eyes looking alarmed. “You play dirty, don’t you?” He narrows his eyes at me, but I can tell he’s just being playful. “Fine, one more time.”

He walks slowly towards the start of the course, dreading doing the whole thing over again. I watch him balance on beams and climb ropes until he looks like he’s going to fall over. He’s halfway through when I see my parents walking over with the Commander.

“He’s looking a bit tired,” the Commander says with a frown, standing beside me with his hands clasped behind his back. “He was doing so well yesterday, I don’t know why he’s having such difficulty.” He watches as Emery fights to climb up a wall.

“I think it might be the fact that this is his fourth time running the course,” I mumble cunningly. The Commander turns to me with wide eyes and then laughs.

“I think you have the next squad leader here, Thomas,” he laughs turning to my dad. They start talking and I just start to tune out when my mom steps beside me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

“How are things going?” I can by the expression on her face that she’s a bit worried.

“Good,” I smile. “Despite what you’re probably thinking.” Her eyes waver towards the course that Emery’s tiredly finishing.

“Well, I’m glad. Do you mind if we steal you two away to talk to you two about some things?” I don’t like the way her voice sounds strained but I slowly nod as Emery tiredly approaches. I can tell that he wants to collapse in the grass but can’t because the Commander’s here.

“Shall I lead you to a private room?” The Commander asks my dad, who answers him with a nod. We all walk quietly towards the large brick building with Emery and I slowly bringing up the rear.

“It was worth it,” Emery says between deep breaths. “As long as I don’t have to watch Twilight again.”

I roll my eyes. “It didn’t look that hard,” I quip. “I would try it myself, but…” I trail off, gesturing to my stomach. I honestly hope it doesn’t get any bigger, because now it’s becoming such an inconvenience. Bending over is almost impossible, and I’m sick of the dirty looks from old ladies at the grocery store.

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