A Beginning

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Prince Matt stared up at the ceiling. He studied the long crack that ran across it, how it webbed out and spread. He began to count them as he waited, having nothing better to do.



Matt sighed, sitting up in his bed. He hugged his knees to his chest, careful not to ruin his perfect hair. When was his new guard going to arrive?

Right on cue, a loud knock sounded at the door. Matt jumped up and smoothed out his shirt. He had to look his best for his new guard.

Matt wondered what he was going to be like as he walked to the door. Was he strong? Was he brave?
Was he... handsome?
Matt mentality slapped himself. Father had told him that he needed to get those thoughts out of his mind. Matt was to be king some day, and he needed... he needed a queen.

Matt shook his head and placed his hand on the door handle, preparing himself for whatever would be on the other side. He took a deep breath, put a smile on his face, and threw open the door.



Matt looked around the hallway. No one was there. Was this just a joke? A cruel prank? A-

"Sir Edward reporting for duty!" A voice chirped excitedly.

Matt jumped back, startled. A small man stood before him. He had brown hair, and sparkling green eyes.

"Oh my gosh!" They squeaked. "Are you al-"

Matt began to laugh. He couldn't believe it.
"Y-your highness?"

"You're my guard?" Matt laughed. "You?"

"Yes sir!" Edward said, saluting him.

Matt continued to giggle, slowly making his way back to the soldier.

"A-are you alright your highness?" Edward asked, concern on his face.

"I think I'm quite alright." Matt replied. "I'm so alright, that I don't think I even need a guard!"


"Bye bye now!" And with that, Matt slammed the door in his face. Matt walked back over to his bed, and sat down. He quietly chuckled to himself.

That was supposed to be his guard? Matt struggled to keep himself from laughing again. That puny runt was going to protect him? How?

Another knock sounded at the door. Matt opened his mouth to tell the runt to go away, but a more gentle voice floated through the door.

"Mathew?" The sweet voice called. "Please come out."

Matt scrambled to the door, pulling it open as fast as he could. His mother's shining face smiled down at him.

"Mother!" Matt cried happily. "It's so good to see you! Somebody tried to play an awful prank on me and-"

"It's no prank Mathew." She interrupted.

Matt froze, just now noticing the small man staring at her side.

"Your highness!" Edward said a bit too enthusiastically as he bowed.

Matt just stared at his mother. She was looking down at Edward with a kind, loving smile. The same exact smile that she used to look at Matt.

"Please try to get along with your new guard Matt. I picked him out myself." Edward was practically beaming.

Matt sighed and crossed his arms. "Fine."

The queen smiled widely. "Wonderful. I'll leave you two here to bond."

Matt walked over and sat down on his bed as he watched his mother leave. Edward closed the door behind her and smiled at the prince. Matt glared at him.

"So! Uh, my name is Edward- But! But, you can just call me Edd!" The small knight smiled nervously, but excitedly, at Matt.

"Ok, Edward-"

"Please just Edd-"

"Don't interrupt me." Matt commanded, putting a bit more venom into his words then he would have liked.

Edd froze. "S-sorry sir!" He exclaimed loudly, before stopping again to correct his volume.

"Well Edward," Matt said, standing up. "Why don't you just go guard my door? I don't need you here."


"Go. Guard. My door." Matt hissed.

Edd looked at him with wide eyes, before clearing his throat. "A-actually I can't sir." He said quietly.

"What?" Matt shot, his temper rising. "Are you defying my orders? The prince's orders? I could have you killed for this."

Matt stopped himself right there, slightly horrified. Did he really want this guy to leave that bad? So bad that he'd threaten him... with death?

"But you won't, r-right?" Edd replied, bringing the prince back to reality. "You're Prince Matt! You're always helping sick animals a-and taking care of the servants a-and-"

"That's enough." Matt said quietly, his anger completely dissolving. He turned and sat down on his bed, eventually collapsing onto his back.

"Sir?" Edd asked.

Matt didn't respond. He just stared up at the cracks on the ceiling.



Matt felt the bed dip down next to him. He turned away from Edd, before feeling a hand on his back.
Matt turned and looked at Edd in confusion. Why was he..?

Edd's eyes went wide, before a loud thud accompanied Edd on the floor. He scrambled up, rubbing his arm for just a split second.

"I-I'm so sorry your highness I just wanted to comfort you-"

"Sit." Matt patted the bed next to him.

"Wh-what..?" Edd's face was slightly pink, from... embarrassment? Matt didn't know.

"Please." Matt patted the bed once more.

Edd carefully sat down next to him, making sure not to touch the prince or offend him anymore than he already had. Matt chuckled.

"If I might ask sir, what is so funny?" Edd asked cautiously, not wanted to upset the prince.


Edd just started at him. "Wh-what do you mean, sir?"

Matt turned and looked at Edd. His sparkling eyes watched every movement Matt made, waiting for whatever was to come. Matt couldn't stop himself, the words pouring out of his mouth.

"I'm the one whose funny." Matt started, looking away from Edd. "I'm the one who can't control a kingdom, let alone a single person. I'm the one whose supposed to lead this country and make hard decisions when I can't even decide how I feel. I'm the one who has no chance at seceding in anything. I'm the one... I'm the one who's just a sad little joke." He whispered.

Suddenly, two arms wrapped around him, a warm feeling flooding through his body.

A wonderful, warm feeling.

"I'm sorry." Edd whispered. "You're not a joke. You're a kind and caring person. You're the person that lights up a room a-and makes everyone happy. That's why I wanted to be your guard. Just to be able to meet you! Just... Just to be here with you."

Matt closed his eyes, tears beginning to form at the corners, and leaned into Edd's hug.

"Thank you Edd." Matt whispered, looking down into his emerald eyes.

"You... You said my name." Matt could have felt Edd's smile from a mile away. "Thank you sir."



"Please, just call me Matt."

"Ok sir."

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