An Old Friend

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"No buts!" Matt said firmly. "I want you to come stay here with me. I can't stand to see you stay in that cramped, dirty room for one more day!"

Edd looked up at Matt. "I can't stay here with you! It's against-"

"It's against nothing." Matt argued. "I will order you to stay here if I have to."

Edd sighed. "Fine."

Matt clapped his hands excitedly. "Yay! I'll send someone to go get your stuff and-"

"No." Edd crossed his arms. "That's my one condition. You have to help me move. No servants, no nothing."

Matt groaned, but had a small smile on his face. "Fine, just let me get changed."

Matt pulled off his shirt right in front of Edd. Edd let out a squeak and ran out the door faster than humanly possible.

Matt chuckled as he began to change. He pulled on a pair of pants and a shirt that had 'I heart m@' on it.
He was about to leave, before stopping to grab the jacket that Edd had given to him.

Matt had worn it so much in such a short time, that it no longer looked new or princely. Matt loved it anyway. It reminded him of Edd, and that's all it needed to be special.

Matt walked out the door and shut it behind him. Edd was leaning against the wall, looking bored, but instantly lit up when Matt appeared.

"He's so adorable." Matt thought as he approached Edd.

"Is that my jacket..?" Edd asked, trying to hide his excitement.

"Yes it is." Matt replied, pretending not to notice Edd's giddiness. "Now come on, we have to get you packed."

Matt grabbed Edd's hand and began to walk, dragging Edd behind him. He started talking about how great it was going to be, them living together. He talked about it like someone had just given him the world.


Edd fell onto the ground with a loud thump. Matt had let go of his hand and was frozen in place.

At the end of the corridor was a man. He had brown spikey hair, black eyes, and seemed to be considerably shorter than the prince.

"Matt!? Matt what's-!"

"TOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!" Matt practically screeched as he took off down the hallway.

"Matt wait!" Edd cried as he hopped up and chased after the prince.

The man barely had any time to look up before being tackled by Matt. The prince began to laugh as he hugged the stranger.

"Tom!! It's so good to see you! I thought that you had-"

"Please don't finish that sentence." He sighed as Edd finally caught up to them.

Tom pried himself away from Matt and stood up. Matt jumped up next to him, barely containing his excitement.

"Is this you new guard?" Tom asked, pulling out a flask.

Matt nodded excitedly, hopping next to Edd. He wrapped his arm around the small knight and pulled him close.

"This is my new guard, Edd! Edd, this is Tom. He was my old guard before-"

"Before nothing."  Tom stated, taking a large swig from the flask. "I choose to leave. That's all that happened."

"Whatever Tom!" Matt almost tackled him in another hug. "I'm just so glad that you're back! I missed you."

Edd felt a pang of jealousy, but dismissed the thought as quick as possible.

"I'll admit, it's nice to see you too Matt." Tom had a small smile on his face.

Matt was practically beaming. Edd had never seen him this happy before. Did Matt really like this guy that much? Did Matt like him better... better than Edd?

"You should come and help us move Edd's stuff!" Matt said excitedly, bringing Edd back to reality.

Tom raised an eyebrow. "You actually got Matt to do something? I'm impressed."

"Impressed..?" Edd  questioned.

Tom shrugged and took a sip from his flask. "I'll come help out if you want, but I want to speak with Edd first."

"Speak with me? About what?" Tom ignored Edd and turned to Matt.

"Why don't you go on ahead Matt? We'll meet you there."

Matt nodded excitedly. "Ok! I'm just glad that my two favorite people are getting a chance to bond. I'll see you later!" Matt hopped over and gave Tom a peck on the cheek, before running off down the long hallway.

Edd was frozen in shock. Did Matt just... just kiss him? Tom chuckled, and Edd snapped his head around to glare at him.

"Why the mean look?" Tom said calmly, a hint of a smile on his face.

"No reason." Edd replied, continuing to stare at him.

"You really care about him, don't ya?" Tom took another big swig from his flask.

Edd nodded slowly. "I do care about him. I care about him so much! Matt is-"

"In danger." Tom finished, turning to look at Edd.

Edd slightly paled. "Wh-what?"

"I can't say much more, but you have to protect him." Tom rested his hands on Edd's shoulders. "Matt means a lot to me, and I'm sure he means a lot to you too. So if you really care about him that much... then protect him. Protect him with your life."

Edd nodded, shaking slightly. Tom sighed and stepped away from him. He smiled.

"I trust you to protect Matt, so I'll make you a deal."

Edd looked at Tom questioningly.

"Meet me tomorrow at six in the garden where you and Matt had your first date, and I'll train you a bit."

"Train me...? But-" Edd's eyes suddenly went wide, realizing what Tom said. "THAT WAS NOT A DATE!" Edd yelled, his face flushing red.

Tom chuckled. "Whatever you say short stuff."

"You're only a few inches taller than me!" Edd argued, his temper rising.

Tom smirked and turned to walk down the hall, before pausing one last time.

"Oh Edd? One last thing."

Tom smiled down at Edd, his eyes emptier than ever before.

"If anything does happen to Matt, well... they won't be able to find your body."

Edd turned paler than a vampire.

"Bye bye Edd." Tom gave him a little wave. "I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that, Tom walked off in the direction that Matt had left, leaving Edd all alone with his thoughts.

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