His Diary (Epilogue)

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-A Few Months Later...-

"You can do it Matt." Edd gave his husband a caring smile. "I know it's hard, but I believe in you."

Matt nodded shakily, talking a deep breath. He squeezed Edd's hand once, before stepping inside the doorway.

Jon's room hadn't changed at all for the last time Matt had been there. His bed was made with light blue sheets, and his walls were covered in shelves that held small treasures that Jon liked to collect.

Matt almost broke down again, until Edd gently laid a hand on his arm and motioned him forward. He gave Edd a small smile and walked up to Jon's desk. A bunch of artwork, some finished some not, was spread out on it.

Matt picked up a few of the drawings, looking at the fondly, before noticing a small bit of black leather sticking out from under them. He brushed the papers aside and picked up a small black book that had 'Jon' written on the front in fancy letters. Matt thumbed through a couple pages before realizing that he held Jon's diary in his hands.

"E-Edd?" Matt called out, attracting the other male immediately. "Look..."

Edd carefully took the book out of his hand, immediately realizing what it was. "His diary..."

Matt nodded. "How'd you know?"

Edd blushed slightly, before mumbling. "I might have one too."

Matt smiled, taking in the wonderful sight that was his husband, before gently taking the book back from him. He ran a hand lightly over the cover as he pried his eyes away from Edd and studied it.

"Would it be wrong of me to read it..?" He mumbled, mostly to himself.

"He might have left something in there for you." Edd suggested, pulling the chair out from the desk for Matt to sit in.

Matt nodded slightly, sitting down in the chair absentmindedly.

Edd climbed into his lap, making himself comfy. "I won't read it, but I'll be right here if you need me."

Matt squeezed Edd once, to make sure he was still there, and opened up to the first page.


Dear Diary-
  Hello there! My name's Jon! I got this diary as a birthday present from my big brother. His name is Matt. I was a little disappointed today. I know I'm supposed to be happy because it's my birthday and everything, but Dad wasn't able to make it. I acted like I didn't care, but deep down I did. I know he's busy and doesn't have time for me, but I really wanted him to come to my party. At least Mom and Matt came. I don't know what I would do without them.
With love,


Dear Diary-
  I've got some super exciting news for you! My old person guard retired, so I got a new one! His name is Edwardo and he's a little grouchy and mean, but I'll get to him eventually! I know that on the inside he's just a big marshmallow! Anyways, I'm just so glad to have a new friend! To be honest, not very many people like me. I don't mind, but it is nice to meet new people every once in a while. Edwardo will open up to me eventually! It's only a matter of time...

With love,


Dear Diary-
I have two things to tell you! First off, Matt got a new guard! I think his name is Edd, but I'm not too sure. Matt talks about him anytime we're together. It's absolutely adorable! I totally ship it... But anyway, as cute as Matt and Edd are, I found out something thats not really cute or adorable. Edwardo opened up to me last night. He told me why he joined the army, and why he's so mean and stubborn. His story almost broke my heart. Apparently, his whole family was killed when the Red Army invaded his town. He joined the army because he had nowhere to go and wanted revenge. After he told me this, I gave him a big hug. Edwardo may have lost everything, but I promise to always be there for him.
With love,


Dear Diary-
I wasn't going to write to you today, but there's something I need to get off my chest. Tonight at the ball... Dad was shot. He's in the hospital wing. Matt's waiting with him. They won't let me inside... Edwardo is trying his best to comfort me, but all I want to do is see him. I know how awful he treats me and I know he doesn't care about me, but I care about him. All I want is my Dad back. The last memory he's going to have of me is him yelling horrible things at me. I want him to remember me as his son, not.... not as a disappointment. Please wake up Dad... Please...
With hope,

Matt jumped as he felt an hand rest on his arm.

"Matt? Are you alright?" Edd asked. "You're crying..."

Matt reached up and gently touched his cheek, feeling wetness. "I guess I am..." he mumbled.

"Want to stop? You don't have to read the whole thing right now."

Matt shook his head. "I'm fine. There's only one passage left, I want to finish it."


Dear Diary-
I have a family. For the first time in my life, I have a family that loves me as much as I love them. It's wonderful. There's Matt, Edwardo, Edd, Pat, and Paul. We're planning a rescue mission for Paul and Edd. Some evil people have them, and our family isn't complete without them. Also... I've decided to confront Edwardo after this is all over. I'm going to tell him that I love him. I'm scared just thinking about it, but I think he likes me too... Pat is calling everyone now, it's time to go! Everyone is comforting me and wishing me luck. I love them so much... For the first time in my life, I'm finally happy.

With love,

Once Upon A Time... (EddMatt)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin