Dance Lessons

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Matt stared up at the ceiling, waiting for Edd to return from... whatever he was doing. The small knight had been leaving around the same time everyday to do some random activity. Edd assured him that it was nothing special, but Matt was still suspicious.

Matt closed his eyes as he pushed those thoughts out of his head. He was just going to have to trust his new boyfriend.


The prince giggled and let out a dreamy sigh. Matt loved that word, especially now that he had one of his own.

The door opened, causing Matt to jump up like a puppy. He rushed over to Edd, nearly tackling him.

"EDD!!!" Matt exclaimed excitedly, giving him a small kiss on the lips.

Edd giggled. "Were you waiting for me this whole time?"

"Maybe..." Matt replied, a small smirk on his face. "But it's only because I have something amazing to tell you!"

Edd smiled widely. "Well?"

"My parents are having a ball in a few days." Matt clapped his hands excitedly. "And I want you to come with me! You know, as my date."

Edd couldn't stop himself from turning slightly red. "Wha-what..?" He squeaked. "You want me... to go with you to s-some big event? With other people?"

"Yes! I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to, but-"

"Of course I want to go!" Edd cried. "I just.... um...."

"What..?" Matt asked, suddenly getting concerned.

"It's nothing big." Edd waved his hand dismissively. "I just... I can't dance..."

Matt let out a loud and dramatic gasp. "You can't dance!?"


Edd let out a squeak as Matt grabbed his hand, pulling him out the door.


"We'll have to fix this problem of yours right away! I can't have a boyfriend who doesn't know how dance!" Matt said playfully as he dragged Edd into an empty room.

"What is this place?" Edd asked.

Matt shrugged as he turned on the lights. "Just a empty room I found while exploring one day. It'll be great for our lesson."


Matt grabbed Edd's waist, pulling him close. "Our dance lesson of course!"

Edd giggled as Matt began spinning them around the room, counting the steps for Edd to follow.

"I think I'm getting it Mat-"

Matt let out a pained grunt as Edd stepped on his foot.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Edd quickly apologized.

Matt smiled down at him. "Don't worry about it. Believe it or not, when I first learned how to dance I stepped on my instructors feet all the time.

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