The Prisoner

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Matt was starting to worry. No guards had been seen since their fight with Redd. He let out a small, shaky sigh, jumping slightly when something grabbed his arm.

Jon looked up at him with wide eyes. If Matt was scared, he could barely imagine what his younger brother must have been feeling. Matt offered Jon a small smile and ruffled his hair. It gave them both comfort.

"We're close." Patryk whispered, getting their attention. Jon gave Matt a small nod and shuffled back over to Edwardo.

Matt took a deep breath, and signaled for Patryk to keep going. They followed him around a corner, and through a large arch, when the group came to a halt. Two men blocked their path.

One had sandy blond hair, tons of freckles, and bright green eyes. The other had long brown hair and was freakishly tall. They stood in front of an iron door, guarding it.

"Hey Patryk." The one with green eyes smirked. "Long time no see."

"Dean. Moose." Patryk replied stiffly.

"Don't worry." The taller one, Moose, spoke up this time. His voice was very calm and soothing, the opposite of what Matt had expected. "We're not here to fight."

"That's right. Red Leader want us to make you an offer, one we know you can't refuse." Dean finished. Matt fought the urge to punch him right in his smug face.

Pat gave them a small nod. "Alright. Let's hear it."

Moose looked away while Dean's grin only grew wider. Matt could have sworn he saw the man's eyes flash black for a moment, but he ignored it.

"Here's the deal. You and your little group of 'heroes' leaves right now and never bothers our organization again. We'll ignore you, and you ignore us." Dean stated.

"And what do we get in return?" Pat asked, crossing his arms.

"How about you tell 'em Moose? You've been too quiet." Dean turned to look at the taller man.

Moose let out a small sigh. "You can have your friend Paul back." he said quietly.

Pat's eyes widened and Matt and Jon both gasped. Dean seemed amused by their reactions, while Moose just looked sort of guilty.

"So, what do you say?" Dean smirked at them.

Matt grabbed Pat's arm, turning them away from the two. Jon and Edwardo joined their little huddle as well.

"We can't take the deal." Matt said immediately.

"Why not? It seems pretty good." Edwardo grunted.

"We still have to find Edd!" Matt whisper yelled. "If we take the deal, we won't be able to get him back!"

Jon laid his hand on Matt's shoulder, giving a small bit of comfort. Matt looked to Pat, trying to figure out what he was thinking. Finally, Pat gave an answer that shocked them all.

"I'm taking the deal."

Matt cried out as Pat walked back over to Dean and Moose. Dean had a look of triumph on his face and held out his hand. All Matt could do was watch as Pat shook his hand and Moose opened the large steel door.

"Wait!" Matt yelled, his voice growing cold. "I want to go as well."

Dean just shrugged. "Fine by me. The more the merrier."

Pat didn't say anything. He just continued into the room. Matt followed after him, slightly surprised when Moose closed the door behind them. Why were they staying outside?

Matt jumped when Pat grabbed his arm, his mood completely different from when they were outside.

"Come on Matt!" Pat said excitedly. "We have to-"

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