Warm Clothes

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Matt took a deep breath as they plunged into the cold water. He felt Edd's arm slip away from him, causing him to panic. Something brushed by his leg. Matt clawed at the water, trying to break the surface, until a strong arm grabbed the back of his shirt.

Matt was pulled up, and thrown onto the shore. He began to cough as he sat up. A wet figure emerged from behind him and bent down.

"Matt! Matt are you alright!?" Edd's worried face looked down at him.

Matt gave Edd a weak thumbs up. Edd smiled and pulled him into a hug.

There was that wonderful feeling.

"I'm so sorry Matt." Edd sniffed, pulling Matt closer to him.

Was he... crying?

Matt reached up, and placed a hand on Edd's cheek. "You saved me." Matt began to laugh, pulling Edd down on top of him into another hug. "You saved me! I can't- I can't thank you enough!"

Edd began to giggle as well. "I-I was just doing my job." He admitted.

"But you did it very well." Matt sighed, smiling up at the knight.

Matt began to see a faint blush spread across Edd's face. He was about to grabbed Edd's shirt and pull him in, when Edd quickly stood up.

Matt frowned slightly and stood up. His wet hair flopped right in his face. He let out a small grumble.

Edd began to laugh, which only made Matt grumble even more. Matt pushed the wet hair out of his face and looked down. His clothes were soaked from head to toe and were caked with mud.

Edd looked even worse than he did.

"I can't go back through the palace looking like this." Matt sighed. "They'll never let me go out again if I do."

"I've got an idea!" Edd suddenly exclaimed, a lightbulb going off in his head.


"I'll take you to my room!" Edd replied, clapping excitedly.

"Your... room?" Matt asked questioningly.

"Yea! It's kinda like my house, I guess..?" Edd waved his hand dismissively. "Anyway, I've got some warm clothes there that you can change into."

Edd grabbed Matt's hand and excitedly lead him back to the palace. Matt carefully mapped out where the garden was, and stored it in the back of his mind. Maybe he'd surprise Edd there sometime.

Edd snuck Matt into the palace through a servant door, continuing on until they reached a small brown door.

"Home sweet home!" Edd said happily as he reached for his keys. He froze, his handing resting on his back pocket. Edd let out a loud growl and punch the wall next to him, leaving a sizable dent for such a small person.


Edd turned around to look at Matt, who was staring wide eyed at the hole he had just made.

"Heh... S-sorry about that..." Edd nervously laughed. "I, uh, lost my keys."

"Oh, that's no problem at all." Matt replied.

He reached up and dug around in his hair, before pulling out a bobby pin. It was a miracle that he still had one. Matt bent down next to the door and slid the pin in the lock. Edd just stared at him wide eyed.

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