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Matt hadn't come out of his room in days.

He had tried to search for Edd countless times, but could never find the knights shining face. He felt so empty without Edd by his side...

It was almost unbearable.

A loud knock sounded at Matt's door, but he ignored it. The prince just hugged his knees to his chest, wishing silently that they would go away.

The knock came again, sounding more panicked then before. Matt just continued to ignore it as he stared blankly at the wall in front of him. Muffled voices sounded from the other side of the door, but Matt blocked those out too.

Suddenly, the door burst off the hinges, landing a few feet inside Matt's room. Matt barely even flinched.

"The door's open." a voice grumbled. "You happy now?"

Someone squeaked out a reply as two small arms wrapped around Matt's body.

"Matt!" Jon squeezed Matt tightly. "I'm so glad your alright..!"

The prince stayed quiet.

"Please say something Matt!" Jon buried his head in Matt's chest. "I've been worried sick..!"

"H-He left me." Matt whispered.

Jon looked up, his face full of confusion. "Who left you..?"

"Edd." Tears began to fall down Matt's face once again.

"I knew he was no good." Edwardo mumbled, crossing his arms.

"'Dwardy! We're trying to make him feel better, not worse!" Jon scolded, earning a few sniffers from Matt.

"Don't worry Matt." Jon smiled brightly at his brother. "Everything will be alright!"

"No it won't." Matt replied, his voice almost devoid of emotion.

"How do you know that?" Jon asked. "How do you know that things won't get better?"

"Because Edd isn't here." Matt replied quietly.

Jon let out a small sigh, before walking back over to Edwardo. "What do we do 'Dwardy?"

The knight opened his mouth to answer, but Jon put up his hand.

"And don't suggest that we leave."

Edwardo crossed his arms, grumbling to himself. Jon frowned slightly, trying to think of ways to cheer up Matt.

Suddenly, something huge crashed through the window. Jon and Edwardo jumped back in surprise, while Matt just curled up tighter. A man stood up, dusting glass shards from his outfit. He had on a red turtleneck, with white sashes and messy hair.

"Sorry about your window Edd, I just-" The man froze in place, spotting Jon and Edwardo staring at him.

He let out some kind of weird noise, running back towards the window. A hand grabbed the back of his collar, slamming him onto the ground.

"You're not going anywhere." Edwardo growled.

Matt slowly climbed off the bed and approached the stranger held down by Edwardo.

"Who are you?" the prince asked, staring down at the man. "How do you know Edd?"

"Y-You must be Matt." he replied nervously. "I-I'm Patryk"

"Patryk..." Matt's eyes went wide with realization.

Patyrk laughed uncomfortably, trying to wiggle out of Edwardo's grip. "So, uh, c-can I go?"

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