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Edd brought the sword down as hard as he could, changing direction at the last second. He drove the the sharp blade into one of the two behind him, causing them to shriek.

Edd rushed forward, not bothering to see which one he hit and buried his face in Matt's chest.

"I-I'm so s-sorry." He whispered, clinging onto Matt even tighter.

"I'm sorry too." Matt wrapped his arms around Edd, comforting him.

He kept his eyes on Matt, afraid of both loosing him again and what he had done with his sword.


Edd squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block it out.

"TORD!" Tom rushed over to him, kneeling down. "PLEASE! WAKE UP DAMN IT!"

Tord looked up at Tom and slowly raised a hand, resting it on Tom's cheek. "Go get 'em T-Tom." He gave him a weak smile. "J-Jeg elsker deg..."

Tom choked back a sob. "P-Please... Please don't go."

Tord's hand slipped off Tom's face as his eyes dulled and he went still. Tom let out an anguished wail, collapsing on top of his body.

"P-Please..." he whispered so no one else could hear. "Please don't leave me here alone."

Edd felt tears streak down his face as he listened to Tom's broken sobs and pleas for Tord. Matt pulled him tighter, shaking slightly.

Pat buried his head in Paul's chest and held him tightly, like he would disappear at any second. Edwardo pulled Jon close, whispering comforting thing to him as the young prince shook violently.

Suddenly, Tom's sobs stopped. Edd slowly lifted his head, afraid to look.

Tom was standing up, staring down at Tord's body with dark eyes that held nothing but regret and anger in them.

"He was the only one I had left." Tom's voice was eerily steady as he looked directly at Edd. "The only good thing left in my life.... and you took him from me."

Edd let out a small whimper.

Tom smiled madly. Edd could tell that he had finally broken. Four people came out of the shadows. Dean and Laurel were grinning, while Moose and Redd had stoney expressions.

"Now I get to take everything from you."

All of them drew their swords, ready to fight. Paul and Pat grabbed theirs as well, assuming fighting stances. Edwardo drew his sword and stepped in front of Jon. Edd stood up straight, drawing his sword and linking hands with Matt.

"Bring it."

Swords clashed as people began to fight all around them. Edd ducked as someone swung right where his head use to be. He jumped into position as Tom readied himself for another swing.

Matt drew his sword as well, even though he had never needed to use it before. He swung and Tom fell to his knees to dodge it, before kicking Matt in the gut.

Edd charged forward, swinging at Tom. Tom brought his sword up and blocked, smiling.

"You can't defeat me." He knocked the sword out of Edd's hands, making him gasp. "I taught you everything you know."

Matt let out a warrior cry and kicked Tom away from Edd, just as he was about to stab him. Edd whispered a small 'thank you' to Matt and retrieved his sword.

"Come on, let's-"

Matt crumpled the the floor as Tom hit him on the head the the hilt of his sword. Edd cried out and rolled to the side as Tom swung at him.

He tackled Edd and held the sword to his throat, grinning. "Why do you even try?"

Edd squirmed around, trying to break free from his grip.

"You didn't answer me." Tom pressed the blade closer, drawing tiny bit of blood from his throat. Edd stopped moving, staying as still as possible. "Why do you even try anymore?"

"I-I love Matt, a-and want to protect him-"

"Well it looked like you're doing such a great job so far." Tom hissed, making Edd glance over at Matt's unconscious body.


"You've failed him, and now he's going to die because of your stupid mistake." Tom smirked at Edd's broken face and glanced at Matt. "Oh look, sleeping beauty's waking up."

Edd turned as much as he could towards Matt, watching him stand up. Matt's eyes went wide when he spotted them.


"Matt!" Edd cried out. "Run he's going to-!"

Tom slapped a hand over his mouth. "Shut up, you worthless piece of-"

"Don't talk to him like that." Matt growled, taking a step forward.

Tom tightened his grip on the sword. "What are you going to do about it?"

Matt opened his mouth to respond, when Tom started laughing.

"The answer is nothing." Tom grinned. "The only thing you'll be doing anytime soon is dying, while your little boyfriend here watches. Say bye-bye to Matty!"

Edd screamed as Tom jumped up, plunging his sword into soft flesh.


It was everywhere.

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