The Calm Before The Storm

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"Tooooooord" Edd whined playfully. "Are we there yet?"

Tord chuckled, turning to look at Edd. "The more you ask, the longer it takes."

"Fine." Edd sighed, smiling at Tord.

Tord returned it and grabbed Edd's wrist, pulling Edd along behind him. The knight giggled as he was dragged out the castle doors, and across the front lawn.

"...Remind me where were going again?" Edd looked up at Tord sheepishly as they came to a screeching halt beside the road.

Tord sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm taking you to town."

"Why?" Edd asked as they climbed into the carriage.

Tord shrugged. "Idk. You just seem like you need a break before you see Matt again, kinda like the calm before a storm."

Edd blinked. "Did you really just say idk?"

Tord just smirked.

"You're just as cheesy as I remember." Edd scoffed. "It's a wonder that I ever dated you at all."

Tord gasped dramatically. "You know where that hurt Edd?" He pointed to his heart. "Right here. Besides, I've found someone else that's even more amazing then you."

Edd let out a small laugh, looking away from Tord. "I'm... I'm happy for you.."

"You're thinking about Matt, aren't you?"

Edd froze, slightly shocked by the other man's bluntness. He just gave Tord a small nod and stared at a spot behind him.

Tord sighed. "You know what Edd? Screw Matt! You have nothing to feel bad about! It's his own fault if he has a stick shoved up his butt."

"It's not that simple." Edd mumbled.

The carriage stopped as Tord scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Just try to have some fun, ok?"

The knight nodded slightly and climbed out, Tord following behind. They went to shop after shop, looking around and trying on clothes. Edd tried to have fun, but a nagging feeling at the back of his mind told him to stay sharp, that this was a trick.

He'd never forget what Tord did to him.

But despited everything, it seemed like Tord was doing better. Edd was more then happy to give him a second chance.

"Come on Edd." Tord grabbed his arm, pulling him into a nearby tavern.

"Tord I don't dri-"

Tord scoffed, sitting Edd down at the bar. "This isn't an average visit. We're here to find you a special friend to help you forget Matt."

Edd felt slightly sick, but sighed knowing that Tord would force him to stay anyway. "Fine."

Tord smirked at him and disappeared into the crowd to go do who knows what. The knight sighed. He'd rather be anywhere else in the world then there.

He'd rather...

He'd rather be back in Matt's arms, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and running his hands through his wonderful ginger hair.

He'd rather be back at the castle, staring into Matt's beautiful blue eyes and kissing his soft pink lips.

He'd rather be back with the one he loved.

Edd stood up, suddenly deterred to find Matt, when someone pushed him back down into his seat.

"Hey there handsome." A tall blond flirted, placing a hand in his thigh.

The knight smiled sadly, the girl bringing a wonderful memory to light.


Edd was thrown into the floor. He sat up, rubbing his arm, before freezing. A blond haired girl was now dancing with a very confused Matt.

"Hello my dear prince." She said sweetly, pulling at a lock of his ginger hair.

Edd growled softly, clenching his fists.

"Sorry miss!" Matt said nervously. "But I've already found my princess."

He slipped out of the grip of the now shocked girl and held out a hand for Edd. The small knight graciously took it and stood up.

"Let's try this again." Matt smiled down at Edd. "Shall we?"

Edd looked up at Matt with sparkling eyes. "We shall."

Edd and Matt began to twirl around the dance floor, seemingly floating on air. The two were lost in the magic, and lost in each other's eyes. Edd carefully laid his head on Matt's chest, just listening to his beating heart as they slowed their pace.


Edd was snapped out of his daze as the girl slapped him and walked away. He lifted a hand to his cheek and touched it lightly.

"Hey Edd!" Tord suddenly appeared, a drink in his hand. "How's it going over here?"

"I need to get back to the castle." Edd turned to look at Tord, his eyes sparking with a new determination.

"Why?" Tord asked quickly, stepping in front of the entrance.

"I need to find Matt."

Tord scoffed. "You're really going to go crawling back to him!?"

"Yes I am." Edd said proudly, pushing past Tord and going out into the street. "I love him and am prepared to tell the entire world if it means being with him again."

Tord sighed, climbing into the carriage with Edd. "If you really love him, I'll help you find Matt."

Edd let out a cheer and jumped up.

"My only condition is that we have to go see Tom first, ok? I need to check in his progress of one of our projects."

"That's fair." Edd leaned over and gave Tord a small hug. "Thank you."

"It's no problem Edd." Tord smiled at him. "It'll be just like old times..."


Special thanks to SprintFlames1
I hope those of you who saw the bonus enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading =)

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