Another Stoey Story

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~Stacy's Pov~

I woke up to the sound of Page barking and jumping on top of me. What's she barking at? It could be anything knowing that Page is the one barking. I sat up and swiped my hair from my face. "Ssshh! Page!" I said quietly not wanting to yell at her, I couldn't be mad at Page, she's such a sweet dog.

I got up and fixed my bed, it was a challenge with Page not wanting to get off of it. When it was done, I did what was next in my morning routine, giving Page and Molly food and water. I smiled to myself the way that they ran to their bowls at the sound of kibbles and bits clinking against their metal bowls.

I looked at the time, it was 10:36. Oh no! I've got to meet Joey and Meghan in thirty minutes. I can't be late! I'm Stacy! I ran into the bathroom and rushedly brushed my teeth, took a shower, and got ready. I guess I can bring Page and Molly with me, I don't have time to walk them and bring them back before I leave now.

I packed them into my car and got in. I texted Joey saying that I might be a couple minutes late.He said it was fine, Joey can be very sweet when he wants to be. i did say that I might be late, but I still don't want to be. I started driving to Meghan's place, there wasn't as much traffic as usual so I actually did make it there on time, with a a couple minutes to spare too.

I got Page and Molly out of the car and walked them down the street, don't want any emergencies to happen in her house. When they were done doing their business we walked back to Meghan's and I knocked on the door.

Joey answered the door hugging me, "Stacyanya!" "Joesph!" I teased him, he rolled his eyes at me and we all joined together in laughter. "Rude and disrespectful," he crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out at me. I shook my head, classic Joey.


Well tonight they're having anime night, I guess I'm their special guest because they basically forced me to attend. Anime isn't my cup of tea. I'd prefer to curl up with a cup of hot chocolate, a warm blanket, Page and Molly, and a good book or something on Lifetime.

Attack on Titan, I believe is the title. It does have an interesting name. But, Joey, Meghan, and David so have more active imaginations than I do the majority of the time. They all have loud and gorgeous personalities.

Then there's me, the opposite of them. They probably feel sad for me and accept me into their cliche. I was acquainted with a lot of people because of my job at Teen. But these guys, them and Andy, were really the only people I can consider myself friends with...I guess.

~Joey's Pov~

Something about Stacy is different. She's usually all happy and has a sparkling personality and spotless reputation. I wonder what she's thinking right now..

I put my arm around her and pulled her closer, she looked at me and then back at the screen. Meghan was setting the Netflix up. David and Lucas were talking amongst them selves, and I was looking at Stacy. "Hey," I grabed her attention, "is there something wrong? She shook her head, "No, I'm fine, just a little tired. "Well do you want me to take you home?" She shook her head, "I'm fine."

She scooted away, I scooted with her. "Stacy, tell me the truth," I whispered. "I'm gonna go." she said getting up, "I have to give Page and Molly their dinner." That's an excuse.

"I need to go too, Sawyer's out and I need to feed Hitch, maybe we can hang out again tomorrow." I excused, following Stacy outside. "Did you not want to watch the anime or something Stacy? We could watch something else if you want to." I asked, stepping in front of her path. "I don't want to be that person in the group that everyone feels sorry for, the person that no one wants to talk to, but you all do because you think that the others like me. I just want to go home Joey, let me, please." she said stepping around me and walking towards her truck.

I stepped in front of her. "Stacy, you aren't we all love you and enjoy your company, please come back inside." I pleaded, closing her car door gesturing back into the house.

"You don't have to lie to me, I'm gonna go," she opened the door. "Well then go get your dogs and come to my apartment. We can have a sleepover." I finalized, there's no way she's getting out of this now. "Fine," she said driving away.

I hoped into Satsuki and headed for the road home. Of course LA traffic was terrible, with everyone trying to get to nightclubs and parties now, it's happy hour.

I pulled out my phone, Meghan texted me.

Meghan: Joey, what was up with you leaving all of a sudden??

Joey: Stacy's feeling down, :( idk why though. I'm trying to cheer her up. We're gonna go back to my place and have a sleepover, you guys coming?

Meghan: Nah, Lucas, David, and I are gonna finish this anime. Have fun, but don't have too much fun ;)

Joey: Meghan!!

I added a blushing emoji and sent it. She knows I have a small crush on Stacy, I told her when Stacy wasn't looking, she already knew though, I guess I made it pretty obvious. But it's just a small one, nothing serious. I put down my phone and pulled into our driveway. Good, Stacy isn't here yet.

I set up the Netflix and got my Mac, just in case we decide to play Minecraft. I got out some snacks and waited around with her Hitch for her to come.

She arrived a couple minutes later with Page and Molly, a backpack, and her Mac. "I'm here," she said in a depressed, tired tone. I hugged her tightly and let her in.

Another Stoey StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang