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~Stacy's Pov~

I was woken up by a harsh knocking on the door. I turned over to see Joey, still asleep peacefully which surprised me because of how loud it was, but maybe it wasn't that loud, maybe I'm not really hearing anything, maybe I'm just imagining it or someone had the wrong house. I waited for a moment to see if the knocking would continue, and it did. I checked the time on my phone, it was a little bit past four in the morning, maybe it's someone who needs help. I slowly got up from the bed, sliding on my puppy slippers and heading down the hallway to the front door, where the knocking was coming from.

"Who is it?" I called, pausing and waiting for a response. "It's me," I heard the stranger respond, taking a moment to put a face to the voice. I stepped back away from the door, no, this is a dream. "No, no it's not, you're in jail," I responded through the door, not daring to open it or even look out. "No, I'm out, but isn't that great? You can come back to me now, and we can start over," he replied, a tone of joy in his voice. "How did you find me?" I asked, shuttering at the thought of him tracking me. "That doesn't matter," he shot down my question, and restated his, "Isn't it great? We get to be together again." "Wouldn't you prefer any of the other girlfriends, the ones who you actually treated as if they were more than a toy?" I asked, still shocked at the fact that he was actually asking me to come back to him.

"I only want you now, Stacy, I've changed, I love you," he continued to endure. "But I thought a week ago I was just "An ugly piece of trash that no one could ever love"?" I retaliated, tears forming in my eyes, still remembering everything he'd said to me that night as if it happened last night. "C'mon Stacy, just forget about that and give me another chance...please?" he begged me, hitting the other side of the door weakly. "N-No. No. All of the stuff you put me through, you ruined my life, so much of it, and what you did is something I'll never be able to get over," I said, barely getting my words out, "and, even if I was willing to, I can't I'm with someone else now." "What?!" he began to raise his voice, his tone now inflecting rage. "I thought you loved me!"

"I did, I did love you, then you started to hit me, and I still loved you, then you started...taking advantage of me, and I knew that there was no use in trying to love you because you'd never actually love me back. And I couldn't leave you, because you would've probably killed me, or hurt Page and Molly, and I wouldn't have been able to live with the guilt of knowing that either of them got hurt because of it. I just let it happen, because I didn't think I was gonna get away from you. I didn't think that I'd find someone to at least pretend to love me when and if I got away from you. And, I...I know that they aren't gonna stay with me, because of what happened with you. For that, I hate you, and I really hope something bad happens to you, I want you to know how it felt, how it still feels. I want you to suffer," I poured out all my thoughts, everything I felt toward him.

"Stacy?" I heard Joey say tiredly, coming up behind me, "Who are you talking to?" "Him..he's out there," I said, pointing towards the door. He grabbed onto the doorknob, attempting to open it before I pulled him away from it. "No Joey, don't, he's dangerous," I begged, not wanting him to get hurt. "Stacy, I'll be fine," he said, lightly pushing my hand away then opening the door. I stood inside the doorway as he walked out, looking around. "Stacy, there's nobody out here," he said, looking out towards the street, for passing cars I guess.

Then I saw him, he came from behind one of the trees in the yard. "Joey!" I called, but I was too late, in the time it took for me to call Joey he'd already acted, aiming and shooting. Now he was gone and Joey's on the ground. I ran over to him, crouching beside him and checking for a pulse. "Oh my gosh, Joey," I whispered. I quickly went back into the house to retrieve my phone and my purse, calling 911 and answering all the information as best I could with my voice shaking, trying to hold back tears and failing miserably. "Joey, Joey," I called shaking him for any kind of response. I couldn't form any words, through my sobs, the only thing I could choke out was, "Joey, Joey, Joey."

After what seemed like forever the paramedics finally arrived, they hurried over to Joey and I and put him on a cot. "Ma'am, what relation are you to the patient?" one of the paramedics asked, me while the others were putting Joey into the ambulance. "I'm his girlfriend," I answered briefly. "I'm not supposed to allow this, but since it appears to just be the two of you, I'll let you come with us," he said, leading me over to the ambulance and where I was supposed to go.

During the whole ride I couldn't bring myself to look at him, he's hurt so bad, and this is my fault. When we got there they took him away from me, into the ER where I wasn't allowed to go while they were doing whatever they were doing to him. I sat in the waiting room, alone, starting at the clock whose ticking noise was the only sound throughout the room. I took my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I reached David. I opened up our messages and tapped on it so that the keyboard would come up, but words wouldn't come to my mind, I didn't know how to phrase it and I didn't even know if he was up, so I called.

"Hello?" he greeted tiredly, it was obvious that I'd woke him. "J-Joey, he's in the hospital," I stuttered, tears welling up in my eyes again. "What?! Stacy, what happened?" he asked me, panicked. "It's kind of a long story," I sighed, thinking back on all that just happened, "can you come here? I don't want to be alone here..." "Yeah, I'll see if I can get Meghan up too, we'll see you in 10 minutes," he said. "O-Okay," I sniffled, wiping the tears from my face. Before he hung up, he managed to be a little bit encouraging, "Just, stay calm, Joey's strong, he's gonna be alright."


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