Even More Awkward

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~Joey's Pov~

A crashing sound broke me from my slumber. As soon as my eyes shot open the sun's glare was the first thing I saw, and to make things better, when I got up I tripped over my some kind of cord. I hate technology.

 After I pulled on a pair of pajamas, I rushed down the stairs, only to be surprised with a large group of people and a the shattered frame of a movie poster. I recognized a few of the people to be Meghan, David, Cat, and some of Sawyer's friends. 

 They all stared at me,  I pulled Meghan, Cat, and David into the kitchen, "How the hell did you even get in here and why are you all here? It's like 7am, and you're already destroying the house," one I finished lecturing them I figured that Sawyer let them in. "It's almost 1 and we wanted to surprise you and Stacy. And Meghan kinda spread around the rumor that you and Stacy were together, so it kind of turned into a party about an hour ago."

 I rolled my eyes and shot a death glare at Meghan, she looked at me apologetically. "Clean up the poster," I dictated before shooting back up the stairs to get Stacy up. Stacy looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake her, but I knew that they weren't gonna quit until they saw Stacy. "Stacy?" I whispered, shaking her gently. Her eyes slowly opened but she didn't say anything to me. I smiled at her, "So...there's a group of people here to see you, do you wanna get up and greet them? I can make them leave if you don't want them to bother you right now." 

 She shook her head, slowly getting up, "I'll greet them, I just need to shower and change clothes first," she assured before disappearing into the bathroom. I nodded and went back down the stairs, taking another look at the crowd. Sawyer and his friends had gone now, probably to go film a turtle or something. 

 "I don't know what we are to be honest," I admitted, "the rumors you spread might not be true, but I am glad that I had the chance to actually tell her before you did," I say, glaring at Meghan again. "It's this whole complicated thing, but as far as I'm concerned, I do love her and we're in a relationship, but it's not just my decision. Stacy is not...Stacy is," I ended what I was saying there, figuring that this was nothing different for Stacy considering that she's been hiding things for so long. It made me feel a little bit sad, but I shook it off.

 "Stacy is perfectly okay, I just overreacted when she didn't reply to my texts..." I lied, but it sounded a lot better than me saying, 'I woke up in the middle of the night and she wasn't in my bed like I expected her to.' "Don't you think that your relationship is moving a little bit too fast? I mean, you don't even know if she loves you back and you're already moving in together. Don't you at least want to try for better?"  

 "Don't you think that you should have on longer shorts? But I guess it doesn't matter since no one's looking anyways," I snapped back at her. I heard David whisper, "Shots fired," toward Meghan and they started laughing. I sighed, and plopped down on the couch. "The least you could've did is to have brought over some food while you were coming," I  complained. Meghan ordered a pizza, against my will, but that's not what mattered right now. Stacy was taking a long time and I was starting to worry.

 I went back up the stairs to see what Stacy was doing. "Stacy are you a-I didn't see anything!" I said, instanly covering my eyes as she screamed. "I thought you were gonna be in the bathroom!" I tried to explain, "I forgot my clothes in here!" she said. "You might as well uncover your eyes, maybe it'll give you a reason to leave me before it's too late." I frowned, "Stacy don't put yourself down like that, especially not today, we have a lot to do. Are you clothed now?" I asked before slowly uncovering my eyes, my face was probably as red as an apple from a combination of all the awkward and embarrassment that just happened. 

 "What took you so long anyway?" I asked her, she paused momentarily, "I...I just lost track of time in the shower, but it was shorter than the ones I usually take." I didn't want to ask why they were so long, not now at least, we just have to get them out of the way first. I watched Stacy as she walked down the stairs, she had on her famous white and blue striped shirt and a pair of jeans. She had makeup on, just enough to cover up the bruises though. 

 When we made it down there stairs all of them surrounded Stacy, greeting her, hugging her, all they stuff. I moved out of the way since I have the privilege to do that whenever I wanted to. The first thing I heard from them that wasn't a hi, a you look nice, or a what've you been up to was, "Is that a hickey?!" from David, of course. "Is Stacy really the innocent person we know her as?" Meghan joked. She looked at me, unsure of what to say with a vague look of uncomfortably on her face. 

 "Guys, leave her alone, we haven't had sex...yet," I say, winking at Stacy, "but we will whenever she wants, meaning that you'll be caught in surprise next time you show up uninvited." I give her a quick peck on the cheek before laughing at their reactions. They then all made the look that you see little kids make when they see their parents kiss. "What is it now? You didn't hesitate wanting to know the details of our sex life before then." 

 "Yeah, I think you might actually want to leave now," Stacy said winking, they looked horrified, but in a funny/awkward kind of way. "Fine, hit us up whenever you get all of your hormones settled out," David says before they leave. 

"Completely too much information," she says, "I've been here for a day and I can already feel your ways changing me."


Thank you guys for continuing to read, comment, and vote on this story. But to make this story better I need you guys' input. Tell me what you would like to see in a chapter! But I also wanted to know whether or not you guys want me to censor out the chapters and make them more suitable for children? Leave your opinions in the comments and I'll do whatever you guys decide. 

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