Lost Evidence

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~Stacy's Pov~

Joey and I were still in my bed, we were both awake, just too comfortable to move from our position. His arms were still wrapped around me and we were having small conversation, just talking about whatever came to mind at the moment. It felt kinda weird to be talking to him and not facing him, but I could feel him watching me and I knew he was listening attentively to me.

"Okay," he started, beginning the next topic of our conversations, "how much do you love me?" "Hmm...as much as I love...I dunno, you...I can't put it into words." "That wasn't a measurement, is it a lot, or a little?." "Well, I mean, you are in bed with me right now, and you're really close and in your underwear, and I don't just want anyone to do that." "So, a lot then?" he asked, and I could see him smiling, even if I wasn't looking at him. "Mhm," I nodded, 'I love you so much."

"Do you think I'm pretty, Joey?" I asked after a couple moments of silence, "be honest." "Is that even a really question?" he answered my question with another question. "I don't think so," I said after a couple more seconds of silence. "Stacy, you're literally the sexiest, most beautiful woman in the entire universe," he replied, kissing on the cheek. I made a disagreeing sound to myself, and somehow he heard me because next thing I knew he was on top of me, kissing my neck. "Do you want me to prove it?" he smirked, raising one of his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at him, smiling slightly at his cute efforts, "No, Joey, I haven't even showered yet."

 "Shower after," replied, opening his mouth to say something else before his phone started ringing, he hesitantly got up from the bed and went to go and answer it. A rush of cool air intruded the air when he got up, and that's when I decided that it was time for me to get up too, and do something. I got up and went into the bathroom, leaving him to his call. 

~Joey's Pov~

 "Hello?" I answered, turning my head back toward the window as Stacy exited into the bathroom. "Is this Mr. Graceffa?" asked a man in a deep toned voice. "...Yeah," Joey answered, "who's this?" "Los Angelos Police Department," the man answered, I instantly recognized it as the unprofessional cop we'd saw about a week ago "and, um, we're calling to inform you that, the guy that you had arrest, um, his charges were dropped" "I'm sorry, what?" I asked, trying to make sure that this wasn't some kind of prank call and that he heard them clearly. "His charges were dropped and he was released yesterday" the officer repeated. "What the fuck?" I asked. 

 "Uh...sorry," the cop mumbled, going silent, but I could still hear his heavy breathing on the other line. "Okay, you wanna inform me why his charges were dropped, I mean, I don't think that charges of rape and assault are just dropped, are they?" "We may have lost the evidence," the cop admitted, "and honestly we have so many more cases..." I cut him off, "I don't care about your other cases. You're a damn cop, that is literally you're only job. You let him out and he's dangerous, and he could be after us right now. That's the opposite of what you're supposed to do. Cops these days, I swear. And especially you, how the fuck do you just lose evidence?" I didn't realize that he was raising my voice until I heard Stacy shuffling around in the bathroom. "Sir, see now, there's no reason to get so rude," the cop defended. 

 "Well, are you looking for it?" I grumbled, only toning it down because I didn't want Stacy to hear about this. "The thing about that is...we have other cases to go through, one's that we have the evidence for," the cop answered, honestly. But it wasn't the answer that I wanted to hear, before I could say something else the cop began to talk again. "We'll let you know if it turns up, just remember to call 911 if you ever need us." He hung up before I got a chance to say anything back. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I raged to myself, just as Stacy came out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" she asked, tossing her dirty clothes into the hamper. I looked at her, grinding my teeth slightly. "Nothing, nothing's wrong," I lied through my teeth. "Joey, tell the truth," she requested, sitting down on her bed next to me. "Oh," I started, quickly thinking of a cover up for the problem, "Shane canceled on me, a collab we were supposed to be doing and we had it planned out for a while, it'll be fine." "Oh," she replied, "well, you sure seem upset about it because you're in a completely different mood than you were in when we talking before I got into the shower."

"It's probably because I haven't had my morning smoothie," I dismissed it. I hated lying to Stacy, I wish I didn't have to, but I know that telling Stacy won't end well, I don't want her to have some kind of panic or faint again like that. "Do you want one?" I asked her, before heading into the kitchen. "Sure," she agreed, following behind me and taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Cool, smoothie for my Stacyanya," I smiled, starting to make the smoothies, but I still wasn't off the thought, he might be looking for Stacy, to cause even more damage to her that's already been done, and it sucks because I'm just now getting her to start being herself again and he's just gonna mess up the progress that she's going through.

 She's been clean all this week, and you can tell that her cuts are slowly healing themselves, I've been planning something for her with a couple of her friends and even a few of her fans, to try and motivate her, but I don't know if it's still gonna be possible, not with this obstacle.

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