The Lie

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~Stacy's Pov~

I can't believe that I just agreed to MOVE IN with him and I don't even want to be here with him now. I'm grateful to what he's doing but I can't do this, I can't move in with someone who I just started being in a relationship with.

Even if we forgot about the relationship part it's still weird that we've kissed, that I saw him with a ...yeah. I need to take it back I can't do this especially with Page and Molly around.

This probably isn't even what he wants, he's young and irrational decisions are what he's gonna make. Spending his time with me will be a waste in the end and by that time I will've fallen to deep. I mean, my hormones still work even if I've been abused, he's really tempting and I don't want anything that we'll regret to happen.

"Joey, I need to go," I say, getting up to clean the kitchen. "What? We're gonna go look for houses together right?" he asks, whirling from left to write in the chair he was in. "No Joey, I'm sorry I said I could, but I can't, I have to go back to him, he'll. one look for me, he'll find us and hurt you."

"Why? So he can use you as some kind of live sex slave and punching bag? Stacy you shouldn't let anyone treat you like that," he says, jumping up abruptly, causing me to flinch, he apologizes quickly after, a sad look on his face. "Why won't you just let me love you?"

"Because you loving me will be the worst mistake of your life! I'm gonna get older and even less attractive and many of the girls your age will be available and you'll regret being with me, or just feel sympathy that you're with me. You have the chance now to go out and party, not be cooped up inside with some kind of metaphorical bird that you're trying to nurture.

And...and when you do leave, I'll be alone and it'll be too late for me to try to have a life, I guess my heart will always belong with you anyways. Right now if your time, go out and enjoy; and if you're still interested when you're all done, I'll be there for you...if I'm not dead first."

He shook his head, "Stacy I'm not just some kind of douche that's gonna stay until I fuck you and then leave. I love you, only you, and I don't care if this a waste of time or not because it'll never be something I regret. But if you really want to get away from me then I won't stop you from being happy. We'll find you a new place then."

My heart sank, him putting this amount of pressure on me, what if I do something I regret and I want him to be with me but it's already too late. His eyes never left me as he was looking for a response that I didn't have. What if I mess up and he starts to abuse me to? What if he's lying to me?

"If this is about this morning I understand," he sighs, getting up as if I'd answered him. "Can I stay here until I make my mind up?" He nods, a slight grin on his face.

~Joey's Pov~

This is my only chance, I can't mess this up. "I'll sleep on the couch," I volunteers, going to get some blankets. "No, you'll sleep in your bed, I'll sleep on the couch," she says, looking around for other things to clean and there's a lot.

We went back and forth on whether she or I would get the bed, me pushing it onto her, her pushing it onto me. "The bed is big enough for the both of us," she said, "you take one side and I take the other side." I shook my head, "I sleep in my underwear." She shrugged, "Not the worst thing in the word."

A knocking at the door interrupted our conversation. I rolled my eyes, she was gonna get up to answer but I stopped her, just in case it was a pending danger. "I love you Stacy," I said, kissing her on the cheek before getting up to answer the door.

Meghan, David, and Cat. "Oh hey guys! Gimme a second I need to...put on pants." I closed the door and asked Stacy what she wanted to do, she shrugged and I shooed her upstairs, telling her to come down in she wants to talk.

I opened the door, allowing them in. "What's up you guys, what brings you by?" I asked, leading them into the living room. "David and I were gonna come I check up on, but after we're going bowling and Cat's going."

I looked at Cat, her shorts were extremely too short, as per usual, she flashed a small at me, I showed her one back. "Cool, well I'm glad you stopped by, see ya later," I say, attempting to get them out the door. "Wait!" Meghan said, stopping the action, "We wanna see how Stacy's doing."

I looked at the stairway, she wasn't there and I doubt she wanted to be bothered. They pushed aside me, barging in headed toward the stairs. Think fast Joey...what would stop them..."You can't do that Stacy's naked!"

They stopped, "Well tell her to put on some clothes," Meghan says continuing up the stairs. "She's not going to we were in the middle don't go she doesn't want to-"

Their eyes widened along with mine as the door knob twisted and opened slightly, Stacy's head poked out of it. "Hi y'all, bye y'all." She closed the door and they all looked at me..."I tried to warn you..." Their reactions were the best but I didn't care as long as they left.

I went up the stairs to see if Stacy was okay and she was...better than okay.


So, what do you think Joey saw? Leave your answers in the comments below! Thanks for reading voting and commenting and I'll see you next chapter.

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