A Long Ride

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~Joey's Pov~

"Joey!..Oh hey Stacy...I didn't know you'd still be here..um...Wait right here," he says as he quickly pulls me into the kitchen, "Um, there are police outside and they were following me and you have to get rid of them I can't go to jail, have you seen me?! I'll get my parts fondled," I roll my eyes at his narcassism. Sawyer doesn't have a drug problem, but he does smoke weed, and it's kinda against the law.

I nodded and walked into the foreroom while he went the opposite way into his room. When I got back into the room Stacy was talking to the police officers, is that what they're here for? "Joesph Graceffa?" One of the officers asked and I nodded nervously, "You won't be hearing from that smuck anymore, he's going away for a very long time. You're a real hero sir, you could've saved her life." I smiled as he shook my hand. "Yes, your damsel in distress, sounds like a true love story, I don't see why you'd save this one though," he says as he laughs, "You seem like the type to go for princes rather than...Did you get sent to reform-" The nicer gentlemen hits him with a nightstick and apologizes, leading them out of the door.

My heart hurts, and Stacy's smile is gone now. Not wanting to dwell I sigh and shake what he's said off, I needed to make sure Stacy is okay. I say down next to her, but I didn't say anything. "Well at least he's in jail now," she sighs. I wrap my arms around her and pull her in for an embrace. "We should celebrate," I say, starting to kiss her, she pushes me away slightly, grumbling my name.

"We're celebrating an arrest, not an engagement," she jokes, smiling. "Well I guess I need to go ring shopping then," I reply getting up to stretch. Sawyer peeked into the room, "You're not about to do it are you?" I shake my head and he sits on the arm of the couch.

"So what are you two lovebirds going out to do? First date?" He asks, I look at Stacy. "What are we going to do?" I ask. "Look for houses?" She asks, I nod.

"Aw, are you moving out on me bud?" He asks, I nod again, "Sorry it's so short notice, things have been moving pretty quickly though." "True that, this'll be good for both of us, I finally can walk the halls in my underwear without you complaining." I rolled my eyes as he started to unbuckle his belt and guided Stacy out of the door.

"Oh Sawyer," I saw, going over to Stacy's side of the car and opening the door for her, she smiled at me. "I could've did it myself," she says, "but thank you." When she's in and secure I get in and start up the car. "Where to?" she asks, I shrug. "In the words of Lana Del Rey I suggest we just ride." I pull out of the driveway and we're on our way, not in any specific direction. "Maybe we can use this time to start over, and get to know each other clearly," I say. She smiles, "Hi, my name is Stacy." "Honesty only?" I ask her, using her own policy against her, she looks at me for a second, "Honesty only."  

After a while it was dark out, we'd driven until we saw stars in our eyes. We were alone on a highway and it was a couple minutes past midnight. In our hands were Starbucks cups, on the Radio was Born To Die, and in our minds was stuff that'd we'd never known about each other. 

I'd never realized how beautiful Stacy was until now, and now I know how to take care of her the way she deserves, and show her true happiness for once. By now it was almost one and Stacy had fallen asleep. We were almost home, but she'd been up for almost 24 hours. 

When we got back I carried her into the apartment and tucked her in bed, I wasn't tired, so I lied down next to her and held her until I fell sleep too.


OMG! 1k reads, I never expected this story to reach that many, considering that there aren't many Stoey shippers out there, but I'm glad you guys are enjoying it so far! Thank you so much for your reads, comments, and voting toward this story. I have more of this ship (and just about ever other ship) coming as soon as I can get them out!

Page & Molly love you! Go rescue a dog!

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