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~Stacy's Pov~

Silence coursed the room, movements dull. I felt cold and lifeless, aside from the pain; the pain is always their, whether it be physical, mental, or some combination of the two. I guess it's a good thing the sun is rising, seeing as I'm not going to be able to sleep for a while.

He had finished with me not too long ago and gone, thankfully. My body desired rest, but I fought against it. "I'll clear my schedule and get some rest," I assure myself.

Slowly pushing myself from the bed I step into the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I hated the girl I saw there, she was so repulsive, unfortunately she was all I saw...and everything about me.

Fighting back the urge to cry was useless, just about as useless as crying in the first place; but I wanted to cry. I needed to cry. Tears fell from my eyes as I pondered; still I never took a gaze away from the reflection before me.

After my shower, I went back into the bedroom. Page and Molly ran in as I did, playing around. A smile tugged at the sides of my mouth, and they hopped onto the bed. I grabbed my phone, so many missed calls and text messages from Joey, Meghan, David, Will, and a lot of their friends. I decided not to reply to them as they would ask what happened to me and I would have to make up some type of lie on the spot. Maybe if I can think of one later I'll consider talking to them.

I need to play Minecraft so that I can update my channel, and I need to walk Page and Molly. I don't feel like doing either but one is a responsibility so I must. I go back into the bathroom and make myself presentable to the outside world.

I put their harnesses on and step out of the door, looking around for anyone. It seemed as if my phone went off with every other step I took. When I got tired I sat on a bench to check the messages on my phone. "Joey: SAWYER AND I ARE COMING OVER" popped up on my screen as soon as I turned on the lock screen.

A rush of panic run through my as I thought about what to do? Do I stay here or go back home? They'll go in and snoop if I don't. I can't have them figure anything out, they'll try to play superhero and get themselves hurt, I don't want that.

We got back to the house, a couple minutes before they did. Thankfully, I cleaned the best that I could and sat on the couch to rest for the couple of minutes that I had. I'll just tell him that the dog sitter said that Molly was sick and make up a story behind that. There was a knock on the door, Joey and Sawyer. I opened the door with a gleeful, "Hi Joey!" But it wasn't him.

"What?" he said, "You're letting that punk come over even when I specifically told you not to." He backed me into a wall. He had a foul stench of cigarettes and whiskey. "No," I tried to defend," He just said he was coming over! I didn't want him to!" Which was somewhat true. I wanted Joey to come and save me, be the superhero and have life would be like a movie, but unfortunately this is a reality and I didn't want him to get hurt.

He pushed me onto the ground, getting a hit to my stomach as I went down. I grunted, curling into a ball so he didn't do anything too painful. But maybe he will this time, and I'll die and just not have to worry about any of this anymore. He was kicking me, shouting various profanity at me, attempting to pull me out of my hull.

~Joey's Pov~

Calls, texts, PMs, DMs anything, she wasn't replying. I'm starting to get worried about her safety. I thought it was just about us, but I got everyone to try to get hold of her, there was no success. I wondered what I needed to do to get Stacy back. calling the police was no help since it hasn't been 48 hours. So I decided to get Sawyer to come by her house with me. He instantly agreed, reminding me why I keep him around. If she's not there we get help from Meghan and the others, fingers crossed I can get to her.

I messaged her saying that we were on our way over and stepped out of the door, walking over to Victoria and getting in. As Sawyer drove my eyes didn't leave the screen of my phone, looking for a read receipt. After a couple seconds I got one, but that doesn't mean that we're in the clear, anyone could have her phone.

LA traffic was the worst, we were stuck for what seemed like forever. I was on the edge of me seat, Sawyer looking out of the window, probably annoyed by my spamming him with the worrisome questions I was asking. I just wanted some type of assurance, but by the tone of his voice I don't think he has high hopes or he just doesn't want to lie to me. When we finally got there her truck was outside, along with an unfamiliar vehicle.

Maybe they are the answer as to why she's gone missing. But what if I'm overreacting it's only been a couple hours. Maybe she's okay and just wanted some time to herself. "Joey, do you hear that?" Sawyer whispered, the air becoming still. It was faint shouting, coming from Stacy's house. "We need to h-," I said getting out of the car, stumbling over myself. Sawyer was already out and running into the house.

I swore under my breath as I tracked after him, entering the someone horrific scene. It took both Sawyer and I to pull this guy off of Stacy. She looked so bruised, I could practically see red with rage but Stacy was more important. Sawyer took care of that guy and I tend to Stacy. She was unconscious, so I put her on the couch an sat own next to her. While waiting I message everyone about Stacy, along with small talk with Sawyer, there was nothing we could do, until she wakes up.


Thanks for reading the next chapter of this story. I hope you liked it, if you did then feel free to vote/comment to show me how much you liked it. Anything specific that you want to happen/think's gonna happen in the future?

Another Stoey StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora