Doctor's Office

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~Joey's Pov~

 I was planning on today just being a day of a couple errands, but that obviously wasn't gonna happen since there was now an agenda, plus I don't think Stacy's okay, but she doesn't want to tell me anything. We needed to get a new frame for that poster, we had an agent that we needed to meet up with for the house that Stacy picked out. 

 "You ready to go?" I asked, her. "Can I please just stay here?" she asks, I shake my head to her question. "I can take you to the doctor now then bring you back here before I go do the other things," I reply sternly. She looks like she's in pain and I want to be sure that nothing is broken. She mumbled something under her breath, but it was inaudible. 

 When we got to the doctor's office Stacy was hesitant to get out of the car. "It's gonna be okay Stacy," I try to assure her, but it doesn't work. "Joey I don't want to, I'm scared," she admits. I ask what she's afraid of and she pauses for a moment. "What if I'm dying or something? What if I have an STD? I don't want to know if I'm about to die, I want to stay oblivious," she finally says. 

 I grit my teeth, not sure what to say to that, there was always the possibility, I didn't even think about that, lying to her won't help anything. "Well, you won't know until you go in there, but whatever the outcome is, I'll be here for you, let's go in." She finally gets out of the car and we go in.

 I got the papers she needed to fill out while she took a seat and brought them to her, the room was near empty, the only others in the room being a couple and they're baby, the woman even starting to show another baby. Kinda what I want to have with Stacy one day, they looked really happy together. Maybe we will be like that one day, but for now there were our own troubles that we need to work out. 

 She finished the papers and I went to go turn them in for her, she thanked me and I nodded, sitting back down next to her. " haven't vlogged in a while," she pointed out, and she was right, and even though it's only been a couple days people probably thought I was dead right now. I hadn't updated on any social media either, and neither had she. 

 I pulled out my phone and open Twitter, a couple DMs, and an abundance of notifications asking where I'd gone and where I was. I tapped on the note and quill shaped icon and typed, "Guys!! I'm not dead, I've just been busy doing some things. :P" and pressed send. I sent a follow up tweet, letting them know that they can expect to see a video either today or tomorrow. I'll probably just upload the rest of the backup videos I have at first, then start scheduling collabs. 

 I checked Meghan's Twitter to make sure that she didn't say anything about Stacy and I's, I guess I could call it a relationship. She didn't or at least I didn't see anything, I refreshed Twitter once again, seeing a couple new tweets on my time line, like Shane promoting his movie, Tyler promoting one of Troye's albums, and I saw a tweet from Stacy saying that she would take into consideration putting the face cam back into her videos. But there was still that one tweet sticking out more than the rest. "@JoeyGraceffa I hope you're happy with settling with her." 

 I looked over at Stacy, I think she saw the tweet too, because her mood changed and she posted, "Never mind" right after. I sighed and swore under my breath, just as a nurse called Stacy's name for her to go back into the office. I asked her if she wanted me to come and she shook her head. 

 I took the opportunity of Stacy leaving to call Cat. She answers on the first ring with a completely fake, enthusiastic "Hi Joey!" I roll my eyes, I can feel anger building up inside me, but I try to keep cool because of my environment right now. "Cat, why would you do that? I really don't want you to be the one to cause even more problems in our relationship." "Joey, I'm helping you, you could do so much better than Stacy, she's all sad and old, you should've just left her to die alone," she said. 

 "Cat, what part of my loving her do you not understand? I don't need to do better, I think she's perfect now, and even if I was to go for this hypothetical "better" what makes you think it would be you? Because you wear short shorts and think you're pretty? Stacy's going through hard enough times without you lowering her self-esteem, just, stay out of the way." "You're gonna regret ever being with her, she's bad for your image." "I'd take no fans and be able to have Stacy rather than keeping them and being with someone like you. Do you not have a life to live? I'm grown, I don't need anymore parents, if I did I'd still be in Boston right now."

 By now Stacy had come out, she looked as if she was holding back tears. Cat started to say something back, but I uttered, "Delete the f*cking tweet or I kill you," just before hanging up on her and standing up to meet Stacy. "How'd it go? Are you okay?" I asked. She just nodded and went up to the desk, got some papers and walked out. I followed behind her, " to me?" 

 "Can you please take me home?" she asked, "I..I guess so," I said, getting into the car after her and head back toward the apartment. "Are you okay?" I asked her several times before getting a response. "Yeah, I'm not dying, but he gave me a lot of pills that I have to take." "No, I mean, are you okay? You were crying, is there something that you aren't telling me?" I asked, but she didn't say anything. 


 Thank you for reading yet another chapter of Another Stoey Story. Vote and comment if you liked it, tell me what you want to see in future chapters or maybe even another story and I'll comply to my best ability! ^*^

 What do you think is wrong with Stacy? What happened behind those walls? Will Cat continue to pester Joey and Stacy or will she move on with her life? Tell me what you think in the comments!

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