Moving In

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~Joey's Pov~

It's been a couple days since we'd visited Stacy's house last, now we're here again, this time both Stacy and I were here, getting the remainder of the things Stacy wanted to bring with her, it wasn't much else, just a few remaining larger pieces of furniture that we didn't take the first time. We'd left the majority of her furniture and things behind, me thinking that it would be easier to just get new furniture placed into our home.

"Is that the last box?" I asked as Stacy appeared from the upper region of her, now previous, residence. "Yeah, I think this is it," she replied, sitting the box on top of another box. "This is it," I repeated, picking up most of the final boxes and heading out to the rental truck. Stacy followed behind me, handing me her boxes for me to put them in.

I opened her door for her, seeing to it that she was secure before I got into the driver's spot. Now we were off to our new home, it wasn't too big, but it wasn't small either. I thought it was perfect for just the two of us, so we'd have enough space. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, all the basics, that's one for Stacy, one for me, and a guest room too. "Do you think our neighbors will be nice?" Stacy asked, breaking the silence. "It's a nice neighborhood, so hopefully they are, hopefully they aren't stuck up or anything," I replied, "but surely they won't be too bad."

For some reason Stacy seemed, well, I don't know, she'd seem happy one minute, then the next she'd have a nervous look on her face. I earlier asked what was wrong with her, but assured me that was fine, so I left her alone. Maybe she was just thinking about something, like memories or something and it wasn't anything I should be concerned about.


"Finally finished," I tweeted, happy because I actually have a current video for today, it was just a walk around and talking video like the ones Shane has on his channel, but that's all I could do, not having really done much and not being able to film Stacy.

I entered my bedroom which contained a bed, a dresser, and my computer and it's set up, basically the same thing that was in Stacy's room, minus the things for Page and Molly she had set in her room. I set the David-edited video to upload and went into Stacy's room to check on Stacy. She was sitting at her computer, headset on, talking into it, with facecam on...I checked to see if she was filming something, but it appeared she was just in a Skype call.

I sat on her bed, the side closer to where her desk was and took Molly into my lap, petting her as I watched Stacy talk to this group of people.

~Stacy's Pov~

Today was the day I promised them I'd Skype them, and here I was, Skyping to them. Explaining to them, Graser, Parker, Brayden, and Liam, what has been happening in my life and on my social media within the last couple of weeks. I spared no details, trusting them enough to tell them the whole story. "...And, now I'm here Skyping with you guys," I ended off my story, going silent for the first time since the call had started. "I'm glad you told us Stacy," H says, "and I'm glad that Joey saved you like that." They all agreed with him, nodding and such. "Still angry at the fact that this fucking dick did all this stuff to you though," Rusher ranted. "Stacy doesn't like bad language Rusher," Graser said.

"No, it's alright," I defended him, "he was a fucking dick." They all paused and looked at me with shocked expressions for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Never thought I'd see the day where Stacyplays said a bad word," Graser commented. And after that they just asked me a few questions about my channel and we talked and joked for a while before they all left for dinner.

It was fun though, I felt a lot better after talking to them, and I knew that word would get around to the rest of them, but I know I won't have to worry about one of the spreading the word around or anything like that. I took of my headset and sat it on my desk, turning to see Joey out of the corner of my eye.

He looked up at me from his phone, "I'm proud of you." He came over to me and kissed me on the cheek. "What would you like for dinner?" he asked, turning his attention back to his phone so that he could open up his contacts. "Pizza," I answered, feeling a bit Grasery.


Now it was bedtime and I was getting settled into bed, Page and Molly both next to me, curled into balls of fur. It was now that I kinda regretted picking to have my own room rather than to be with Joey, his arms wrapped around me.

And just as if he could read my mind he came into my room, kissing me quickly then patting Page and Molly on their heads. "I love you so much," he whispered, "Do you need anything?" "I...Can you sleep with me...just for tonight?" I asked quietly, ashamed to ask such a question. "Of course," he grinned at me, pulling back the covers as I shifted over and sliding in next to me.

He slowly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in closely. "Honey 'S this okay?" he asked, our position being more spooning now. "Yeah," I replied sleepily, "this is fine."

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