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~Joey's Pov~

The ride back home was just me repeating the same questions over and over again every once in a while and getting no responses from her. She'd started crying again and every time I tried to comfort her she just pushed me away from her. It made me worry about her well being, and I really didn't want to leave her at the apartment alone while I went and did the errands. So I invited Meghan to come over and "watch" Stacy while I was out, but I just told Stacy that Meghan wanted to play Minecraft. I felt really bad for having to leave her, but there was a lot of things that needed to be done and I couldn't push them back anymore.

Once Meghan arrived I kissed Stacy on the cheek and left, I looked back at them before I shut the door, hoping that they'd be alright together as long as I'm gone. First stop, to meet the real estate agent.

~Stacy's Pov~

 When I got back to the other section of the building they did the normal tests for any other check up, plus a few more to examine my bruises and all. It was uncomfortable having to take off my clothes and allow them to scan me and do everything else. But I knew it was a burden to them, considering that I didn't look pretty like Meghan or Cat. 

 Now we were just sitting in the room, him writing something down on his clipboard. "Stacy," he called, grasping my attention. I looked at him nervously, but I was ready for the worst possible news. "Do you want the good new first?" he asked me, he looked like he didn't want to be the one to have to tell me the news. 

 I thought for a while before telling him that I wanted the good news first. "Well, you don't have any STDs, and you're perfectly healthy, physically anyways. I'm gonna up your dosages in your depression and anxiety medications. I'm also gonna give you pain pills," he sighed, "and some more birth control pills." I looked at him confusedly, waiting for him to say something else. "Stacy, one of your birth control pills failed..." he finally said. 

 My eyes widened, "Wait you mean I'm pregnant?!" I asked, almost yelling. "That's the thing," he started, "the tests were unable to determine whether or not there was a life form inside of you that's able to still develop, due to your being hit in the stomach with impact." " you mean that it died?!" I exclaim. He tries to call me down, but it doesn't work. "I'd say that's the case here since you'd been hit with such force and because you haven't been eating despite you being hungry, but there is a chance that it is got the required nutrients and still be able to develop." 

 All of that meaning that there was something inside me and whether or not it would be able to develop into a child is a mere flip of a coin, a flip that I could've played a part in. If I had eaten then it'd still be there, even if I didn't want it to exist. This child would be nothing but a memory of my past, my thoughts continued to tell me, I tried to shake away such terrible thoughts, but there was no use.

 After a while I was finally able to stand up and leave the room, going back to Joey. Another thing that I didn't think about, there was no way I was going to be able to tell him. I didn't even think I had the ability to say it to myself. He's cared about me so much in this short amount of time, there's no way I could force another burden on him like that. 

 Right now I felt like taking a knife and ending all my problems, but there were none in the car. Joey continued to try and ask my things, but I wasn't able to speak, the only thing that I could do was cry. There was no one that I could tell about my problems. I don't have a best friend, and Joey cares too much. So all I did was cry, just like I'd been doing for years, maybe I'll tell Page and Molly about what happened. 

 Now I was at home, or Joey's place, with Meghan and the dogs, Joey'd left a couple minutes ago, so it was just Meghan and I in this awkward silence. We finally got our our laptops and started to play some MCSG. I wasn't able to focus myself on what I was doing and she was just bad at the game so we never won any of the games we played. She asked me if I still wanted to play I shook my head.

 She asked me if I wanted to eat something and I shook my head again. After that she continued to try and ask me questions, but I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I didn't feel like doing anything right now, but dying or sleeping, my head so I got up to get an Advil. She then started asking if I was okay, I told her I was, but my head hurt really bad. I tried to clear my mind, but my thoughts ended up cycling back to the doctor's visit earlier and Joey.

After a while I was unable to hear Meghan's questions, but I could see that her lips were moving. I tried to speak, but I couldn't move my lips and soon everything faded to black.


 So, what's wrong with Stacy? Will her "baby" be okay? If it is, will Joey stay with her to raise the baby, or will this be all that he can handle? 

 Tell me what you think in the comments, or make your guesses mentally, but I mostly go by the retaliation of the audience so your comments matter. ^*^

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