Phone Call

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 ~Meghan's Pov~

 Stacy was normally fun and excthusiastic, especially with it comes to anything that has to do with the word Minecraft. Sometimes she'd have her days, but this is different and I don't know what to so about it. I didn't know what to ask and when I thought that I did know what to say, I got shot down by some kind of short response. Anything else I had to ask i decided not to ask because it was probably gonna end up being the wrong thing to ask. 

 I pulled out my laptop about to open up Minecraft when I noticed her disappearance. 'You had one job Meghan!' I think, mentally face palming myself. But when I heard movement in the kitchen I sighed of relief and waited for her to come back. And she did, but she only seemed to get worse as time went by. At least at the beginning I got responses from her, now I got nothing, I felt bad but I knew that there was nothing I could do about it, that is if it's mental, explaining why Joey has to go get her pills. 

 All of a sudden she fell back, I jumped up to see if she was okay; she was breathing, but unconscious, I tried to wake her, but it was to no avail so I just called Joey. "What's up girly girl?" he greets his normal greeting. "Not Stacy," I mumble quietly, "I don't know why you even picked me out of all your friends. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I can barely take care of Chewy by myself, how am I supposed to watch an unconscious grown women with mental issues?" I started to explain exactly what happened since he left to him, ending up in a panic. "I'm gonna get a few more things than I'll be right there, just give me 15 more minutes Meghan," he cuts me off, suddenly hanging up after.

 ~Joey's Pov~

 When I got back to the apartment I grabbed everything and bolted up to the elevator, knocking several people aside, but I didn't care, Stacy was more important. Her sudden change in behavior made me wonder exactly what went on inside that hospital room. I know it's illegal for the doctor to tell me what happened, but maybe I'll find out one way or another.

 I unlocked the door and sat everything down. Meghan was there, standing over Stacy who was on the couch, she looked nervous and Stacy looked..tired, but she was still unconsious. "You can leave now if you want to ," I told Meghan, sitting down next to Stacy, she shook her head. 

 "It's really confusing, how she went from this strong, independent figure that was joey filled and energetic to thsi in a matter of just days," Meghan obsserved, I nodded. "Not much changed, she was just a lot better at hiding it then, and everyone has a point where they're unable to continue helplessly, especially if it's a story as bad as Stacy's is. 

"What do you mean?" she asked, and I told her Stacy's story, as much of it as I knew anyways, which was respectively long, but I know that it was nowhere near all of her story. "We're terrible friends Joey," she admitted and I nodded, agreeing. "The fact that we wouldn't have known, probably until it was too late if I never invited her over makes it even worse." 

 We stayed in silence for a couple minutes, reflecting over how oblivious we were. "Does she want people to know?" Meghan asks, taking her eyes off of her phone. "Well she hid it from us for this long and we're supposed to her best friends."

 "What actually happened to her? Did she just pass out or..?" Meghan asks, and I honestly don't know either. "I'm guessing it was just stress, considering all the things that have happened to her within the last week." I shrug, maybe that's right. "She got even worse when we got back from the doctor's today. I mean, she said she was clean and all, but I don't know."

 "Well, maybe she wanted an STD or something?" she replied idiotically. "UYou knopw, ever since you bleached your hair blonde you're acting like you're the one who was in  the special ed classes." She rolled her eyes and started to bicker with me on why she was possibly right and how I was just rude and disrespectful.

 Until Stacy's phone went off, a brief spam of messages followed by the vibrations that were a call. It'd just powered since the messages were spaced out over a period of today, I'm guessing that it died earlier today. 

 Stampy :D The screen read boldly and I answered it and put it on speakerphone. "Stacy?" this guy said worried-like. "No, this is her boyfriend," I explained to him, he was momentarily silent. "Oh...alright, well can I talk to her?" "I mean, I wouldn't have even answered her phone if she was conscious." I try to explain before being cut off. "What did you...wait, is this Joey Graceffa?" he asks, sighing a mixed sigh. "Yeah this is he."

 "So you got rid of her abusive boyfriend?" he asked. "I mean, he's in jail, and now I'm her boyfriend."  "Oh thank gosh that douche bag is gone now. Do you mind if I come over to see Stacy?" he asks, I look at Meghan. "Yeah, come on over," I welcome this stranger and give him our address. With that we said our goodbyes and he hung up. "How the hell did he know this much and we didn't?!" I asked. "Maybe he's just a better friend than we are?

 "Or maybe she told him some things that she didn't want to even bother to tell us, but she trusted him enough to tell him." I said, wonder who this guy actually was. 


 Thank you guys for reading yet another chapter of this story! Vote and comment if you'd like, maybe even give me some ideas for future chapters. Why do you think that Stampy knows more than Joey? Do you watch Stampy's videos?

 And if you're considering writing a story, then you should go for it! We need more writers, especially in the Stoey fandom. I know that a few of the people who read this do write like Emmygirl59 and CheeseGirlA (or at least I think they read this lol). But it would never hurt to have a couple more. If you need help or ideas for a story then feel free to contact me on this site or on my Tumblr or my Twitter.

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Another Stoey StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora