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~Stacy's Pov~

I hugged Joey back, stepping away from him. I love to Joey to death as a friend, but sometimes he gets a bit too close. He could sense my discomfort because he stepped back, letting me into his apartment. I sat my backpack down and pulled my hair into a ponytail, trying to be as normal as possible. I don't usual hang out with Joey other than the occasional game of Minecraft or grocery shopping, so it's like our relationship is more of a business thing than a friendship.

"Where are Page and Molly?" Joey asked looking at me setting up a movie for us to watch. "I dropped them off at a dogsitter, I wasn't sure if your apartment allowed big dogs since I haven't seen any of them around." I answered, rubbing my arm. "Come and sit next to me." he said scooting over and patting the spot next to him. I nervously went over to the couch and sat of the side opposite to him. He moved closer, "You okay with a scary movie?" he asked pointed to the television that said Nightmare on Elm Street. "Sure," I lied, horror movies terrify me, but I guess this is okay, I'll just say I have to use the bathroom when the scary things happen.

"I'm gonna go change into my pajamas, I'll be right back," he said walking towards his bedroom.

~Joey's Pov~

I rushed up the stairs and went through my closet, I usually sleep in my underwear, but I can't because Stacy's here, I don't even own a pair of pajamas. I tip-toed down the stairs and into Sawyer's room. "Sawyer?" I called quietly only to find that he was sleeping. 'Great' I thought sneaking back up the stairs, I grabbed a tank top and a pair of shorts from one of my drawers and came back down the stairs.

I went into the laundry room and grabbed a couple of blankets and pillows and returned to Stacy, she had her hands covering her eyes. I paused the movie and uncovered her face, "It's just a movie Stacyanya, what do you want to watch?" I comforted her handing her a blanket and two pillows.

She said what was playing was fine, but her eyes were stricken with fear. I turned off the television and looked Stacy in here eyes. "Stacy, look at me," I requested, yet she refused to look me directly into my eyes. "Stacy, please," I pleaded, grabbed her wrist gently, looking at her. She winced in pain, I immediately let go and looked down at her arm, I mentally gasped, but looked back up at Stacy. There were bruises up her forearm, I wanted to ask, but I knew that that wouldn't be the right thing to do, now. She knows that I saw them.

I reached onto the coffee table and grabbed the box of tissues that sat there, Sawyer uses them when he watches Lifetime, but that was his secret; I handed one to Stacy, there were tears in her eyes. "Stacy," I called once more, "I have a crush, but I don't know how I should tell the person. What do I do? I waited quietly for her response. "Well, you've got the looks, the charm, the smile, the personality, the looks, and all. You could come right up to anyone and kiss them, they'd melt into to," she spoke louder than the rest of her words had been.

"Then, that's what I'll do." I said pulling Stacy into a curiosity filled kiss.

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