A Little Bit of the Past.

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~Joey's Pov~

"This is my fault," I state, breaking the cold silence that we were trapped in, "I...There's something I could've done, I could've came earlier and then this wouldn't have happened, I don't even know what happened and if she trusted me she would've told me I should've been there for-"

He slapped me, hard. I placed my hand on my now warm cheek. "What the frick Sawyer?!" I asked, rubbing the numbness of my cheek. He shrugged, "It's what they do in the movies when someone needs to chill."

"They also get up and shake the person," I mumbled grumpily. He ignored my statement and continued talking, "There is absolutely no way that this is your fault. This is all that guy's fault, or at least I could be, he could've just broken in here."

"Stacy would never leave her door unlocked," I pointed out, knowing at least that much about her. "Maybe she opened the door, expecting it to be you," he shrugged, looking around.

"Those cuts on her arms aren't recent though," he says about a minute later, his sudden break of the silence stunning me. 'What?' I said to myself, looking over at her, pulling her arm out toward me. I covered my mouth with my hand, not sure what to think at all.

About an hour and a half later and she's still here, unconscious, Sawyer had to go, so it was just me here alone, here with a sleeping Stacy.

Every couple of minutes I would touch her to see if there was a pulse, there always was, and I would wait a couple more minutes only for my actions to have repeat themselves.

I'd cleansed her cuts, again since they got reopened and bandaged them. I thought to check the rest of her, but refrained from causing anymore awkward moments. I doubt there were more though anyway.

I wondered if I should call an ambulance, but they'd ask what happened and I wouldn't know what to say to them.

I stare at her sleeping, he took away from her beauty. I lean in to kiss her, hoping for her to wake up as our lips touched, as if this was a cliche movie. Kissing her gave me a sense of hope, either that or it was just a really nice feeling.

I didn't want to pull away, but I had to, my phone was ringing. It was Meghansan, I answered it greeted her, waiting for her to speak.

Meghan: Any updates on Stacy?

Joey: No. I can't help but feel like this is my fault.

Meghan: Joey, you didn't know and that's all that's to it. You're overreacting, she's gonna wake up and heal. Sounds like you love her a lot.

Joey: Of course I love her! Even as a friend, everyone should be concerned about her as much as I am.

Stacy: I...I'm okay Joe.

Meghan: What was that?

Joey: 'Stacy! Bye Meghan.' I end the call and put my phone away. Watching her, waiting for her to say something else.

"I'm okay now, you can leave." She whispers, sitting up slowly. "I don't want to leave, I want you to tell me what happened so we can tell the police."

She shakes her head, "We can't do that, you have to go." I look at her dumbfounded but she doesn't say anything, it's probably been hurting her to talk.

"Stacy, please," I begged her, hoping that she'd go the extra length for me. "Joey, I'll be fine," she continues to tell me, but I refuse to believe it. I sigh, not knowing anything else to say to her, so I give in. "Okay," I throw my hands up in peace, "I'll go, I'll leave, and I won't come back if that's what you want me to do. I just want you to be happy, but you can't blame me for being worried, I love you. I have to respect your privacy."

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