Our Song

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~Stacy's Pov~

 After Joey'd left I sat there for a moment, thinking about what was in there, about what went on in there. Probably nothing that I just had do have, I don't know why I even bothered asking to come here, I don't know why I sent him in to get my things. What if he sees something that he doesn't need to see? What if he sees something that I don't even want to see? But maybe I'm just overreacting, maybe there's nothing to worry about and it's just the paranoia in me acting for no particular reason. 

 I pushed away those thoughts, clicking on the radio so that I wasn't left to my thoughts. The first thing to play was one of Joey's album, the worst one he has in my opinion, it was one of Lorde's. I quickly switched it so that some radio station played and I didn't have to sit and listen to that. Anna Sun by Walk The Moon was just beginning, not a bad song at all, but I honestly prefer Joey's cover, I'm probably just being biased though, but I mean, can anyone blame me? Who isn't fazed by him?

 I pulled out my phone, and it took everything in me to check my Twitter, I knew that I needed to, but it was probably just an overflow of hate in my notifications. I hesitated before opening the application and allowing it to load. The first tweets I saw started off decent, from people that I assume actually care about me.

@joeyscluckea: @stacysays I hope you're okay <33

@Emmy_Anya: Just remember that you still have people on your side. We Love You Stacy <3 @stacysays 

 As I scrolled, there began to come tweets that asked about my videos and when or if I'd ever upload any videos again; but mixed in with those were all the tweets I expected to see, the bad ones, some were what I have grown accustomed to, others were just pure mean. 

@StoeyForNever: @stacysays It's obvious that Joey'll never want you, he just feels sorry for you because you'll never find anyone that loves you. 

@JatrificForLife101: @stacysays You know Joey doesn't want you, so why don't you just back off and go die. You're too old and gross for him anyways.

 There were many more of them than that too, but I clicked away from my notifications before I make myself more miserable than I already am. I could feel tears in my eyes, but I blinked them away, using every bone in my body to refuse the tears from coming out. I clinched my left fist, which held nothing, tightly, breathing deeply, it always helped, so much that it'd become a habit of mine. I looked through my direct messages, which contained many messages from my friends, such as Will, CupQuake, Andy, Parker, Dul, HBomb, Graser, Julio, Rusher, and a lot of other Cube members who I didn't really think cared anything about me when I left the Cube or we weren't playing and recording something. 

 The messages were all something along the lines of "We love you" "We're here for you" "We hope you're okay" "Let us know if there's anything that we could help you out with" "Are you okay?" and other common things like that, but some of them even implied that they were asking if Joey'd done anything out of line. Like Graser and Rusher who, even if it didn't seem like it on camera, were always concerned about what I was doing and there if I wanted to talk to them. Too bad they live in Canada, but I guess that's how internet friends work. They're there for you, they just live a light year away.

 My time line had lots of tweets from people that followed me who were extreme supportive and understanding of me and my decisions, thankfully no one knew what had happened, yet at least, but with Cat knowing I don't doubt it being revealed sometime soon, they already know that Joey and I are together, I just hope that I get the chance to tell everyone close to me before it get's spread that way, because there's no way that what happened can be explained within 140 characters. 

 I tapped the button that looked like a notepad and quill, and thought carefully, before composing, not knowing what tone that I should set with the tweet I was going to post. Maybe I'll just reply to two and then send a tweet of my own. I first went to the tweet from the obvious Jatrific shipper, or maybe they just hated me that much. 

"@JatrificForLife101: Believe me, I've tried and it's not that easy."

"@Emmy_Anya: Yeah, I love you guys too. I'll be back, later than soon, hopefully."

"I'm sorry, I've let everyone down." 

 After that I closed Twitter, there was nothing else to say, that was all the truth. Not matter whose side you were on, mine, or the side against me, I'd let everyone down. I guess I could say that I was, at one point on both sides myself. For the side against me, I'd tried, I'd come close to dying, many times, as for the side that was for me, I love them, I do so much, but I'd never say that, not on camera, I couldn't. And I'm nowhere near posting another episode of DogCraft or any other of my series, but I don't think I'm done with Youtube, at least I don't think that I am. 

 The opening of the backseat of the car startled me, but it was just Joey, putting my clothes in the backseat. I looked back at what he'd retrieved, I couldn't really tell what he'd gotten and what he didn't get since everything was kind of piled on top of each other. But it seemed to be all the clothes that I'd need for quite a while, but I think I want to replace most of all my clothes, except the one shirt that my fans have become used to.

~Joey's Pov~

 When I got settled in the car Collar Full by Panic! At The Disco was just beginning to play. I looked over at Stacy, who was looking my way, but not at me. "Isn't this the song you tweeted about having a crush on me about?" I asked, smirking at her as she began to blush. "...Maybe," she dragged out quietly. "Well of course I sing it for you, baby," I beamed. 

We've waited so damn long, we're sick and tired. I won't leave any doubt or stone unturned. I've got a collar full of chemistry for your company, so maybe tonight I'll be the libertine.

Show me your love, your love. Gimme more, but it's not enough. Show me your love, your love. Before the world catches up. Cause there's always time for second guessed I don't wanna know, if you're gonna be the death of me that's how I wanna go. 

You've got it all worked out, with so little time. Memories that I'd black out, if you were mine. You've got a pocket full of reasons why you're here so tonight, so, baby tonight just be, the death of me.

When I'd finished singing and final beats of the song played out, Stacy was looking at me, blushing deep red, smiling her infectious smile. I took this as an opportunity to kiss her, I slowly leaned in towards her, and she didn't push me away this time, our eyes closed slowly as our lips touched. Her hands slowly coming around me and taking place around my neck as the kiss deepened. And we stayed like that, which felt euphoric. 

 I pulled away from Stacy, who was still smiling, "That's our song, babe."

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