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~Joey's Pov~

We were back at home now, both of us in her room, Stacy on the bed and I was at the desk. I was talking with her as I opened up Minecraft. "Is it later yet?" She asked me, anxious as to what her surprise is. "Almost," I smiled, logging her into shepcraft, I had all her software for recording up and running and now all she had to do was press record, that is, if she wanted to. I pulled this together in a short amount of time, thinking that is would be a great surprise for her.

I knew she was upset about not posting anything to her channel in a while and frustrated that she couldn't bring herself to record so I thought that this would help, just a recording with her friends and even a few fans. One big call and just some fun. "Close your eyes," I instructed her, making sure she had them closed. I directed her over to her computer, making sure she still hasn't opened her eyes. I put her headset on her head, and smiled at her confused face. "You can open your eyes...She's ready guys," I announced, going into my room and joining in on the call.

~Stacy's Pov~

"What's happening?" I asked, hitting the tab button on the server and reading the listing. Graser, H, Rusher, Parker, Shep, Joey, Carter, and a couple other friends along with some slightly familiar names.

"Hello Stacyplays," Graser greeted, "we are united here today, for you. Joey came to H and I a couple days ago with an idea, he wanted it to be a surprise..." "That's so cute," H commented, "and this is what we came up with." "I white listed the sever, for the time being, so that we could play," Will added in. "And so that it wasn't just you guys, they've been talking to a couple potato flakes, and that's how we're here," a fan stated.

"Davey, Emmy, and Mandy are the ones we picked out based on their tweets, they were completely on your side, and always have been it seems. The best kind of potato flakes," Joey said. "We love you Stacy," they all said in sync. "Let's play some SG!" Rusher exclaimed, followed by cheering of the group as were we warped to Holiday Resort. "Go ahead and hit that record button if you wanna," Joey said. "I don't know about that..." I said back, not knowing if I wanted to record, I mean, what would I say, how would I intro it. "Just record it now and decide on whether or not you wanna post it afterwards," one of the fans said. 

 "Mandy's right," Joey agreed, "just go for it and decide later." "And if you decide not to, then it's fine, I know more of your fans, and they understand you taking your break," Emmy said. "Okay," I unsurely agreed. "Cool, I got you on the intro Stacy!" Graser said. I made sure that my software was recorded and that everything was working fine. 

"Hello everyone and welcome back, or should I say welcome, to this SG, but no, this isn't the usual server is it? No, no, no, today we're playing on ShepCraft, Shep's server. We got H, Parker, Carter, Rusher, Shep, Joey, Emmy, Mandy, and Davey, but that's not all, we got a special guest today. One whose whereabouts you were probably curious about. We got Stacyplays! Woot woot! You wanna tell us about your break Stacy?" Graser said quickly, moving around from his pedestal on the other side of corn. 

 "A lot of stuff, actually, but I don't wanna take up this whole recording with my banter," I commented, "I'll do a video, sometime this week, hopefully." I don't know if I'll actually go and do that, considering that my audience is much too young for me to explain that to, and I don't want anything bad to happen because of it. I shrugged as we were released from spawn and everyone went in their separate directions. "No teaming, and no going easy on anyone either," Graser added into the rules as I series of people died off spawn.


After a couple rounds of SG I was pretty tired and decided that it was enough filming. I actually won the last game too. Playing with them was always so much fun, I'd forgotten about all the bad things that happened during those couple of hours that we'd played together, and was actually in a pretty good mood. Recording with them was always so much fun, and recording with the fans was fun too because it's nice to know that there are actually still people who understand.

I ended off the recording and took off my headphones, turning to see Joey in my room, sitting on my bed. "Did you have fun? he asked me, smiling happily. "Yeah, a lot," I copied his smile, getting up from my computer. "Thank you," I leaned in the kiss him on the cheek. He slyly turned and pulled me in for a kiss. "No problem," he chuckled, "you need me to edit it for you?" he asked, looking over at my computer which had my screen saver of Page and Molly on it. "No, I've got it, I'll do it later on," I assured him, sitting next to him on my bed. 

~Joey's Pov~

 "Cool," I smiled at her. I'm really glad she's happy. We were just sitting there in an awkward silence now. I looked at her, catching her staring at my shirtless body. I laughed as she noticed that I caught her, she blushed deeply, laughing nervously. "Sorry," she mumbled, embarrassed. "It's fine, flattered actually, I'm glad you like what you see," I said, pulling her into another kiss. I could feel her smile into the kiss, causing me to laugh slightly as I lied down next to her. "I love you, baby," I kissed her on the cheek. "I love you too," she said, resting her head on my chest. 

"Let's watch a Netflix movie," I suggested, reaching over to grab the remote. "Okay, which one?" I asked her, flipping through the channels. "Any, just nothing scary," she replied, calling Page and Molly.  I picked out one of my favorite movies, Camp Takota, and started it. 

After the movie ended it was pretty late, Stacy was really tired and so was I, today being the long day it was. She got up from the bed, going into the bathroom to change into her pajamas and getting back into the bed. "Bedtime?" I asked her, and she nodded, yawning. I kissed her on the cheek once more, "Goodnight Love." I made sure that she was tucked in, before turning to leave. "Joey," she called me back, "could you leave on the lights?" 

 I looked at her, she was looking at me, I could see fear in her eyes, so much that it looked like she was trembling. "Yeah, of course, d'you want me to sleep in here with you instead?" I asked her, she nodded slowly. "Okay, just let me go get my phone, " I said, running to get my phone and coming back into Stacy's room. I smiled at the relief in her eyes and got into bed next to her. "There's nothing to worry about, I'm here," I assured her. 

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