cute, ig? + really short

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'Oh, that noise,' you thought, dreamily, 'that beautiful, beautiful noise I love so much.'
He was laughing. Hysterically, in fact. So much so that you couldn't help but join in with your own fit of giggles.

"Okay, Jungkook, it wasn't that funny!" shouted Yoongi from the other sofa, "And why're you laughing, Y/N? Does my pain entertain you?" He was joking, but you responded with an honest answer, "No, Suga, I'm not laughing at you!" your sentence was cut off by more uncontrollable laughter, "Are you okay?" Yoongi smiled and shook his head. He was okay. He had accidentally fallen backwards off the couch, (he's been sitting on the top of it, instead of on the cushions), and that set Kookie off. He found it hilarious.

"But then why are you giggling so much?" Yoongi inquired, waiting patiently for an explanation. By this point, Jungkook had calmed himself down enough to where his belly laughs had become a few quiet snorts here and there mixed in with a couple leftover giggles. He too was now looking at you, with his head tilted to the right, sort of in a 'Yeah, why?' kind of way.

You blushed slightly and smiled in an awkwardly cute way. "Well," you began, "I just..." you got quieter, so the next part wasn't loud enough for either of them to understand, and Kookie was sitting right next to you, "I laugh when Jungkook laughs."

Yoongi leaned forward, his legs spread apart comfortably, his hands holding his knees, "What was that?" Your heart beat sped up slightly, your palms started sweating. You were embarrassed and nervous. There's nothing wrong with finding joy in that of your boyfriend's, but it was another thing to admit to it in front of him and one of his best friends. "Um..." Jungkook also leaned toward you, curiosity evident on his face, "Aish, why do I have to tell you?" You giggled again, but this time it was due to nerves.

"Are you anxious?" Jungkook asked, very sure he was correct, which of course, he was. "Well if it wasn't because of Suga falling, why would you be laughing, Y/N? You don't need to lie to protect his pride, he lost that a long time ago," Jungkook said, receiving a quick glare from Yoongi.

'I mean what's the harm in him knowing anyway? He knows I think he's adorable. I can tell him,' you comforted yourself, building up the nerve to confess.

"I was laughing, because you were laughing, Jungkook." Your boyfriend, (of 4 years, might I add), still seemed confused.

"Does my laugh sound dumb? Is that why it's funny?" He didn't sound angry or sad, he was asking a genuine question to gain clarification. Before you could respond, Yoongi joined in, "Yeah! That must be it, Jungkook, she thinks your laugh is stupid," he laughed. Jungkook glanced at you, waiting for you to answer.

"No, Kookie! The opposite! I love your laugh, it's one of my favorite things to hear. That's why I started laughing. It's because your laughter makes me happy and when I'm happy, I laugh," you explained in a rushed way. Both the boys sat for a moment, thinking, and then Yoongi said, "Wait, so all it takes to make you happy is Jungkook being happy?" He seemed to not understand the concept of it.

"Um... Yes," you said.

A big smile slowly formed on Suga's lips as he turned to Kookie and put his hand on his back. "Jungkook-ah! You have such a great relationship, you're lucky, man!" Yoongi praised. Jungkook's cheeks slowly became red as Yoongi spoke, and he was smiling, looking down, fidgeting with his hands in his lap.

You brushed a couple stray hairs behind your right ear, (the one farther from Kookie and Suga, as they were on your left), and avoided eye contact with both of them.

You listened as Suga continued talking about how you and Jungkook are "relationship goals" and "adorable, and clearly meant to be." It was definitely nice to hear and to know that Kookie's friend had taken note of how great your relationship is, but it's also somewhat embarrassing. You've never liked it when people talk about you, whether it's in a negative or positive light, because you just don't like attention and never respond well to compliments of any kind. Eventually Yoongi got a text from Jin and went to go meet him for dinner, (Suga and Jin had dinner together once a week just to hangout and talk with each other, and you think that's true friendship goals).

After you heard the door shut and the quiet shuffling of sock covered feet getting closer, you felt someone sit down next to you. Once again your heart raced. That entire encounter had triggered some anxiety, so you were slightly on edge at the moment. Jungkook rested his head on your shoulder and hugged you from the side, mumbling, "Look at me, please, Y/N?" You did, but had to keep glancing around the room, unable to maintain steady eye contact with the boy. He looked adorable, which didn't help, wearing dark grey sweatpants, white socks, and a white t-shirt that fit him extremely well.

He noticed your nervousness and smiled. "You're so cute, jagiya," he said as he poked your cheek, "you can't even look at me? We've been dating for so long, haven't you gotten used to seeing me?" He chuckled.

"Well... To be honest, no. Every time I see you, I still get butterflies in my tummy and my heart beats quicker. The only difference between now and when we first met is that now I know you're mine and that I love you," you blushed. You were speaking softly, but loud enough for him to hear you. There was an innocence about you that Jungkook found irresistible and absolutely, amazingly  adorable. He placed his left hand on your right cheek and pulled you toward him, placing a sweet kiss on your lips that lasted for a while. If this was a dream, you never wanted to wake up from it.

He pulled away and patted the side of your head affectionately. Jungkook suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned backward, pulling you gently into his lap in a lying down position. You were both propped up in the corner of the couch, similar to what sitting in a recliner is like, your back pressed against his torso and chest. His chin was rested on your shoulder, his face angled inward, buried in the crook of your neck. His warm breath was comforting and you never wanted either of you to move from this position.

You rested your head on the back of the couch, and started breathing like a normal person again. Anxiety tends to quicken your breathes as well, which is quite a bothersome thing to deal with.

Jungkook shifted underneath you and let out a happy, sleepy moan, and quickly placed a soft kiss on your neck and whispered, "I love you, jagiya." He hugged you tighter and you giggled quietly. "Hmm," you sighed happily, "I love you too, Kookie."

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