stupid af honestly

637 9 12

(This feels like more of an excerpt from a book I haven't written, idk. I'm terrible at writing imagines. I'll switch back to a different POV in the next one)

It's sprinkling slightly and things seem gloomy. My favorite kind of weather.

The bowling alley is quiet. There are very few cars in the parking lot, and those that are there most likely belong to the workers. I parked next to a matte black jaguar. Who the hell drives a jaguar to go bowling? That's kind of obnoxious.
"That's a nice car, don't ya think, Y/N?" My friend, Michelle, asked as she got out of the passenger seat of my jeep. It was my eighteenth birthday present.
"Yeah, it is. Look at the one next to it, dude," I replied, noticing the red mustang on the other side of the vehicle.
"Jeez, did Kanye West decide to go bowling today and bring his friends?" Michelle joked. We walked around my car and through the entrance, where we ditched our sneakers. There were a few other pairs of shoes, all fancy, and seemingly expensive.

We went up to the bar-like thing to rent shoes. "Hey, Sammy," I said to the familiar 22 year old. I come here basically every weekend, and we've become quite friendly with each other. A few times now, he's joined me on his break and bowled with me. He smiled and made a face like he was trying to think. "Size 9, right?" I nodded, "Yep, that's it."

"And Shell," he called her by his nickname for her, "you need 8, correct?" She blushed and shook her head yes. She's always had a thing for him, but knows she'll never date him. He's older and into things she doesn't like and she wouldn't want to ruin the 'playful banter they have,' so she just doesn't think it'd be worth it to try. However, they're just excuses, because she barely talks to the guy as it is.

I can hear pins falling and people talking on the opposite end of the alley. There was no one visible to me. There must be just a few bowlers today. It's not a very crowded place, and it almost never is. Although it is a big place with arcade games and a counter, where you can order food, people just don't hang out here as often as you'd think. That's part of why I love it so much.

"Can we use lanes 1 and 2 today?" I asked Sam, and he took a deep breath. "Actually, I'm afraid not. A group is already using them." I'm kind of surprised. I looked at him, waiting for the joke to be over, but he was serious. "Must be someone new... Everyone else that comes here knows those are basically my lanes every Saturday." He put his hands on the counter in front of him. "I know. I've never seen them before. They asked for those lanes specifically. If they hadn't, I would've saved them for you. The one dude," he rolled his eyes, "sorry, he bothers me, but the one dude acts like he owns the place and he's literally never even been here. I can put you on lanes 29 and 30 if you'd like?"

"What? No, that's fine. I'll take 5 and 6. That way I'm still on the side that I like, and there's still space between Michelle and I and whoever those guys are. Sound okay, Michelle?" She smiled, "Yeah, that works." She's not really much of a talker, especially when there are guys around. I probably should've thought about that before requesting to be practically right next to a group of them.

"If you're sure..." Sam started, "Like I said, they kinda seem like dicks. Be careful." He turned around and his the buttons to turn on the lanes. We walked around the corner and headed toward 5 and 6, our bowling bags and shoes in hand. I noticed the group of guys on 1 and 2. There were about 7 of them, around average height, however 1 of them was significantly shorter than the others. I set my bag on the bench near my lanes and pulled my ball out of it, placing it in the ball return and sitting down to put on the shoes. Michelle did the same thing and sat down next to me, farther from the boys. I wasn't looking at them. I didn't really want to.

I wrote my name down in the top box of the score sheet and then wrote 'Michelle' in the bottom box. I took a few practice shots before we actually started and got 2 strikes right off the bat. I can still hear our neighbours being noisy. Hopefully they'll get done and leave soon. By the sounds of it though, they're just getting started.

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