lol whoops daddy jungkook smut

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To be honest, you're not really sure what happened. The past month had gone by so well, with practically no arguments between you and Jungkook. You'd both been very sweet and considerate of each other lately, so when he got angry over something so small, it confused you at first.

Recalling it, you should've known immediately that he was upset. His actions, in hind sight, made it clear. You hadn't exactly done anything wrong, but you hadn't been totally innocent either. Hanging out with Yoongi alone was something you could've assumed would bother Jungkook, yet you did it anyway. He's your friend after all, so you didn't see the problem. But when your boyfriend found out, he was annoyed, and would barely acknowledge your presence.

"Jungkook, please, at least look at me. Talk to me," you pleaded.

Nothing. Except for a quick scootch  away from you on the couch as he continued playing that game he loved.

"Jungkook..." you wiped away the tear before it could fall too far, and sniffed, as quietly as you could. He paused for a fraction of a second at the noise, but continued as if he hadn't noticed.

"He's my friend. You know that. Nothing happened."

He paused his game and sat there, staring at the ground for some time, before looking at you- finally- and speaking, "How do I know that?" he spoke coldly. You couldn't breathe for a moment.

"How do you not know that?" you whispered, not looking at him.

"Yoongi hyung thinks you're pretty. He would've asked you out if you hadn't asked me first."

"I didn't know that," you didn't believe him at first, but his serious tone of voice made it obvious that it was true, "But that's the thing, Jungkook. I asked you out. Why would I have asked you out if I wanted to be with Yoongi?"

"Maybe you thought he wouldn't want you, so you settled for me."

"Do you realize how you sound right now?" you were getting irritated at his speculations.

"Rational. Reasonably concerned."

"Quite the opposite, Kook. I can't believe you. I knew you could be jealous sometimes, but now you're doubting the loyalty of both me AND your hyung. This is ridiculous."

"Is it though?" he sounded angrier, and put his controller on the coffee table as he stood up and walked to the kitchen. You followed him quickly.

"Yes! Oh my God, Jungkook. Stop it," you were louder than before.

"I don't think I'm in the wrong this time," he said casually.

Your tone lowered again, "Do you not trust me?" 

He stopped what he was doing and looked at you, head tilted to one side.

"Should I?" That was it. You walked toward him until he was against the counter, held his chin up to make him look at you, and used the most serious tone you've ever heard yourself use.

"How long have we been together?"

He lost his nerve as he responded quietly and unconfidently, "3 years, 2 months, 3 days and 21 hours..."

"Within that creepily accurate time frame, when have I ever given you a reason to doubt me?"

He sucked on his cheek, and avoided your eyes as best as he possibly could. "Never," he said, barely audible, biting his lip nervously.

"Then why do you?" You raised an eyebrow, waiting for his answer, which never came, "Exactly. Don't wait up."

You let him go and walked to the door, grabbing your coat, slipping on your shoes and leaving. He just stood in the same spot, not saying a word. No doubt he was regretting his words from earlier.

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