y'all asked for this 👀 (smut)

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this is gonna be really bad and dumb because it's 2 am and i have school but i can't sleep

"Dear, can you set the table?" Your mother asks, sarcastically. Your thumbs pause, hovering over the glowing screen, and you glance up at her. Her 'I won't ask twice' look burning into you, you sigh and set your phone down, gathering the plates and utensils for dinner later.


Somehow your mom had befriended your science teacher and his wife at an open house recently and she's now invited them over. It doesn't really bother you, it just seems a bit weird, having seen Mr. Jeon a few hours ago. You hadn't yet changed from your school uniform and, at this point, it's unlikely that you will. If it weren't for the fact that they'll be showing up soon, you'd definitely switch outfits. It's what you usually wear around him, yet it somehow feels inappropriate in this setting. 
When someone knocks on the front door, you start feeling just the slightest bit on edge, but it's covered up when your mother asks you to answer.  You take one last glance at yourself before turning the door knob and taking a deep breath. Putting a fake smile on your face, you quickly open the door and say hello, noting that both Mr and Mrs Jeon look borderline spectacular. She in a beautiful burgundy business-y dress, which suits her appearance quite well, and he in black slacks and a formal-like jumper. Together, they clash. Though you can't seem to picture anyone that would fit with her. She looks to be quite a bit older than him, by at least a decade or two.
"How've you been, y/n?" Mr. Jeon asks, smiling.
"Since I saw you three hours ago? Good, I guess." You sound almost sarcastic and extremely awkward, and as your mom comes over to greet them, she bumps you slightly to let you know to chill out.
You raise your hand shyly and give a quick wave to his wife, who you aren't exactly comfortable around, and a small smile, then you head into the dining room.
After many many minutes of split conversation and country club laughter by the entryway, the remaining members of the party make their way in and get seated.
"Y/n, be a dear and get them some rotini," your mother says, eyeing you and forcing a smile that's meant to seem casual. As if it's typical of her to use you as a waitress. "Yes, Mommy dearest," you mutter and get moving. You bring the Jeons' their plates first and as you place his in front of him, you lean over the table more than necessary and, making eye contact with your mother, say "Here's your tortellini." She blushes and takes a sip of wine to mask her embarrassment and you could've sworn that Mr. Jeon was covering up a laugh when he cleared his throat just now. You take your place adjacent to his and scootch your chair into the table. In the corner of your eye you see Mr. Jeon looking at something under the table and follow his gaze, wondering for a second if maybe he was looking at your thighs, which have squished and spread out on your seat. With this thought still in mind, you watch him as you get some pasta on your fork. He's regained focus on the current light hearted conversation taking place between the adults. Just as you're about to look away, the top of his tongue darts out and cleans off his bottom lip. You freeze, the food slipping back onto your plate as your fork pokes gently as your mouth. Your eyes are still on him and it takes a moment to realise that you're being spoken to. Blinking fast and looking around, you finally regain self control and make eye contact with Mrs. Jeon, who is sat across from her husband. "I'm sorry, what?" You ask nicely, but flustered. Mr. Jeon's shoe bumps yours under the table and quickly retreats back to his space. "I asked what your plans were for after graduation," she says. "Oh... uh. Well, I'm not sure actually. I'm probably just going to a community college or something and then deciding what to do from there." She smiles and turns back to your mother, discussing how children are never certain about what they truly want nowadays. Happy to be off the hook, and still a little confused about your reaction to the science nerd, you get back to eating. That is until Mr. Jeon himself begins to speak.
"Is there a bathroom I could use?" Oh boy. You can feel it coming before she says it, so you're already up by the time your mother asks you to escort him. "Follow me," you say, sounding bored and gesturing with your hands.
It's an awkwardly quiet walk through the house, but you finally make it to the washroom door and point to it to avoid conversation. As you start to walk away, he taps your shoulder so you turn around and look him in the eye, for the first time noticing how intense they are. "Thanks," he says and nods. You shake your head and turn around again, heading back through the house. The moment you sit down at the table, your mother stops talking mid sentence and turns to you, an offended look on her face, and says "Now, how will he ever find his way back here?" Your mouth drops open when it registers that she's serious. "Mom, we don't live in a mansion?" She rolls her eyes and points in the direction of the bathroom, "Go,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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