Sabrina // 2

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(Part 2/4 of the request by thedevilwasabi)

They'd arrived at the park around 5:30 pm. It was quiet. Only a few small families were around, the kids running all over the place, playing on the playground equipment. The parents would giggle at the cute children, share potty training nightmare stories, and present each other with cell phone screens displaying memories in the form of pictures.

Sabrina pulled a pack of gum out of her pocket and took a piece out, offering it to Jungkook, who was seated next to her on the bench. He took it and thanked her and she grabbed a piece for herself as well.

A common date-ish thing they like doing together is 'people watch.' It sounds strange, but they enjoy observing people and making up fake back stories for them. Jungkook always loved when Sabrina would share the stories she's come up with, because she's very creative. She's also sarcastic and nice to everyone, which adds to her alluring charm. In the distance they heard a mother conversing with another parent.

"And this is Dillon when she was 4. I can't believe she's 6 and a half already. The time has flown by. You barely get time to enjoy it."  She was showing a photo of her daughter.

"Oh, tell me about it. I remember when my boys were born. It feels like yesterday, but now they're 8 and 11. It's scary. They're growing up into such fine men."

Suddenly, Jungkook spoke, "They're all so cute." Sabrina smiled at him and nodded, agreeing. "Ooh! What do you think their story is?" He asked, pointing to a couple walking together down the sidewalk. They were holding hands, and the woman was leaning on his shoulder, lovingly. They looked so happy. Sabrina thought for a moment and then answered.

"They met in college. Saw each other a few times in class- probably a literature class or maybe philosophy, but were too shy to say hello. Then, she stopped at the coffee shop on campus, and he was working there. He gave her the beverage she ordered- caramel latte, obviously- and introduced himself. She invited him to sit down, and now here they are. A few years later." 

Jungkook thought for a moment. "Do they have kids?" He glanced at his girlfriend and tilted his head slightly. She looked up, thinking. "Um... Not yet, but they want some. Plot twist: they've been trying for a baby and tonight she plans on breaking the news of her pregnancy. It'll be a girl. Named Valerie." Jungkook smiled widely at the thought that had been put into her response.

"Do you want some?" Jungkook asked.

"Some what?" Sabrina asked, confused.

"Kids..." he glanced at his lap nervously.

"Oh. I haven't really thought about it. Why?"

"Well... I do. Maybe two or three, at least. Not anytime soon, I mean, someday."

"Sounds good."

"What? Two or three kids?"

"Kids in general. With you."

"What do you mean?"

"I hadn't thought about wanting kids before, but I think it's because I'd never met someone I ever wanted to have kids with. Now that you mention it, you make me want them. That would be great. I'd love having children as long as you're their father." Jungkook didn't say anything, he just placed his hand on her cheek and kissed her.

"What was that for?" she asked.

"No reason. I just love you."

"Oh," she giggled, "I love you too."

"Do you want to go somewhere else now? Maybe walk around?" he asked.

"Sure," she answered, and they stood up, intertwined their fingers and began walking down the path near the playground area. A little boy, maybe 6 years old at most, ran over and stopped in front of them. He grabbed the bottom of Jungkook's shirt and tugged at it. Jungkook let go of Sabrina's hand and squatted down to the boy's height. "Hello there," Kookie said sweetly, "What's your name?" The boy looked kind of hesitant to speak. "Darius," he murmured, shyly, avoiding eye contact with Jungkook.

"Darius? That's a cool name. How old are you, buddy?"

"4 and a half."

"Oh, wow, you're almost grown up," Jungkook grinned. The boy smiled and finally looked up at him. "I'm Jungkook, and this," he gestured at Sabrina, "is my girlfriend, Sabrina. People call her the devil, but don't worry, she's actually very nice. Where's your mommy?"

Darius turned to the right and pointed, "Over there. The lady with the big hat." Sabrina and Kookie glanced over and saw a woman in her mid thirties, wearing a large, pink, floppy hat, a black long sleeve shirt and jeans with sandals. She smiled and waved.

"Mister... Can you push me on the swing set? Please?" Darius asked nicely. Jungkook glanced up at Sabrina and she smiled. "Of course I can," he said happily, standing up. He took Darius' hand and all three of them walked over to the swing set. Sabrina watched as her boyfriend placed the child on one of the swings and began pushing him lightly.

Sabrina took out her phone and began taking pictures of the boys. The smile on Jungkook's face was genuine and cute. He looked like an adorable bunny. He and Darius were giggling together and talking.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Uh... fashion designer. My mama likes clothes and stuff, and I wanna make some for her."

"Wow. That takes a lot of hard work. Pay attention and work hard in school, and you'll definitely achieve your dreams."

The little boy got excited. "Really?!"

Jungkook smiled again, although he had never really stopped, and said, "Really. I promise. You can do anything you want to do if you try hard enough."

"That's awesome!" the boy exclaimed, "Can I go tell my mommy that I can't wait for school to start?"

"Yeah, of course. I'm sure she'll be happy to hear it," Jungkook said. Darius ran over to his mother, who let us know they'd be leaving soon, and started explaining all of the reasons he's excited for kindergarten to start in the fall.

Jungkook and Sabrina started walking again. "You're so good with him," she said, "You're always good with kids."

"I am?"

"Well yeah. They love you. It's like they're drawn to you or something."

"Can you blame them?" he joked.

"You're right. Kids do tend to like smelly things," she teased.

"Hey!" he said, playfully offended, "I smell great. See!" he pulled her into a hug, so that her face was pressed against his chest, "Sniff me." She obeyed. "Okay, fine. You smell great."

"Told you," he giggled, "So, where to now?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. Anywhere is fine with me."

They continued on their way, not really sure what their destination was going to be, but that didn't matter. They were together.

There's gonna be 2 more parts to this, unless the person who requested them doesn't like them (I'm sorry, ahhh). I'll try to get them published by Monday, but I can't promise anything.

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