argument thing (happy ending/minimal smut)

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Tears got lost in the cascade of water from the shower head as you recalled Jungkook's words from earlier.

"Clearly I'm not good enough for you. You wish you had someone better, and don't tell me otherwise. I have eyes,

At that point in the argument, your voice had gone on vacation and you were unable to speak anymore. It hurt too much. Your chest was on fire, burning with the urge to just grab him and hold him and kiss him, just to prove your feelings to him. But you couldn't move either. Everything tingled in a frightening way, your heart beating so fast, it was concerning. If you had tried to move, you would've fallen over.

"See, you're so shameless, you can't even try to deny it! What, are you surprised I found out?"

The thing is, there was nothing for him to have found out. This whole fight was started because your friend, Lay, confessed to you over a text message that Jungkook happened to see. You knew, and hated, that Jungkook is insecure and that it gets the best of him sometimes... but his words are like knives stabbing you in the chest and heart and brain.

"How many other guys have been texting you? Be honest. At least 17, right? Maybe more?"

Then the ultimate kicker came out of his mouth- something you'd never have even imagined he would ever say.

"I wouldn't be surprised if I found out you've been a slutty, lying bitch this whole time. Hiding things from me just confirms those suspicions." 

That's when you snapped. How fucking dare he question your morals and disrespect you. How fucking dare he doubt your unconditional love for him. Suddenly your voice was back, and quite loud as well.

"JUNGKOOK!" You screamed, trying desperately to hold back the sobs making their way out. He froze immediately, his eyes showed regret and pain- a lot of pain- but not pain caused by you. He started tearing up at the sight of your emotional state, but didn't dare to say or do anything else.

"You know for a fact that I love you more than anything else in this entire world! I spend my time thinking about you and of ways to make you smile, because your smile alone can make me feel so warm and happy. You know I love everything about you, absolutely everything, and that I'd do anything for you! How dare you doubt my loyalty to you and be so disrespectful! I thought you were a better person than that."

The look in his eyes after you said that gave you chills, and the memory of it made a few more sobs come out. He looked so broken, and you knew it wasn't due to the text message. Every time he does something like this, although it's never been this terrible, he hates himself for being mean to you. This time he seems to be questioning his entire self worth, and that hurts you too. You never want to see Jungkook in pain. It's the worst sight ever imaginable. He means so much to you.

After your outburst, tears were flowing from his eyes and his voice broke as he took a few steps forward to wrap his arms around you, "Y/N, I'm so sorry. I love you so much." You stood there, not responding at all, arms still at your sides. He buried his face into your neck, and as much as you wanted to hold him and tell him you love him, you just couldn't. He hurt you and he needs to know that that's unacceptable. You pulled your arms up, which got his hopes up, but then you pushed his arms away and began backing up slowly, still in disbelief. "Stop," you whispered. Every emotion Jungkook was feeling, you could see in his eyes. He was confused and most definitely scared. "No... no, Y/N, please. Please, baby," he grabbed your wrist gently, "I love you so much. Please don't go." He was begging, his pride set aside for the moment. You'd be lying if you said his words, voice, and eyes weren't killing you inside. You know he's being sincere, and you want to forgive him, but it's too soon. He can suffer for a little while longer while you heal these wounds, right? You coldly yanked your wrist from his grasp and firmly said, "STOP." The tears began coming now, faster and more noticeable than before, streaming from your eyes. Again, you could see another small piece of his heart fracturing within his eyes. You turned around, trying to walk to the bedroom to lay down and be alone, but once again he grabbed your wrist. This time though, he turned you around and pulled you closer, dropping to his knees in front of you. He wrapped his arms around your hips and buried his face into your dress, quietly sobbing and mumbling apologies, while the material was balled in his desperate hands. Again, you just wanted to comfort him somehow. Maybe run your hand through his hair, or rub his shoulders or something. But no, you can't do that. Not right now. You've always forgiven him immediately after he does something, and you don't want him to think he can always get away with it. You took a deep breath and pried his arms off of your body.

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