ya neck hurts, woo (yoongi cock block)

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(So I had originally written this a different way, but then Wattpad fucked up and I lost like 400 words, so gotta re write it)

You shifted in the chair once again. You had been moving around about every 5 minutes for the past few hours, while trying to focus on the movies that you and Jungkook were watching together. So far you have seen Titanic, (for like the 74,000th time in your life), 21 Jump Street, Iron Man, and you are currently watching Justin Bieber: Never Say Never. Jungkook wanted to see it.

You guys have been together for a few years now, and have lived together for a couple months. It's pretty nice. I mean, you have the guy you love with you and what more could you ask for? Sharing a bed is also a plus, because cuddling is great.

"Jagiya, what's wrong?" he asked, glancing over after you changed your sitting position yet again. He sounded concerned, which was adorable and definitely appreciated.

"Nothing, my neck just kinda hurts. I think I slept on it wrong. It's hurt since I woke up," you rubbed the back of your neck as you spoke. He pouted.

"Give me your neck," he said, standing up, reaching toward you with his hands. You giggled. "I can't really d-" he cut you off by going behind you and grabbing your neck gently. His hands were warm and felt different. You'd held his hands before, but... now they're on your neck. There's a difference, ya know what I mean?

"Jungkook-ah, what're you doing?" you sounded nervous.

"I'm massaging you," he said as he began moving his thumbs. You choked on spit, "What? Why?"

"Because," he moved in front of you and stared into your eyes, "you're in pain. I hate when you're in pain. I like to make you feel good." He smiled and went back to rubbing your neck. You swallowed hard.

He could've worded that differently...

He moved his hands to your shoulders and you let out a relieved sigh. The massage is actually helping.

"Where did you learn to do this?" you said quietly, your eyes shut.

"Nowhere. I just figured I'd give it a shot," he answered simply.

"You're always so good at everything. It's not fair."

"I mean there are some things I haven't tried that I'm not sure I'd be good at."

"Like what?"

"Oh, just some... partner activities," he responded, sounding innocent.

"I'm sure you'd be great, Kookie."

"Oh," you could hear the smirk in his voice. He pressed harder on your back and shoulders and earned a gasp of pleasure from you. As gross as that sounds, it's a pretty great massage.

He leaned down and placed a kiss on your neck. Usually you'd jump up and go find something else to do, but his hands are warm and you're relaxed, so... why not enjoy it? The two of you are pretty innocent people. I mean, yeah, you've kissed, but nothing more than that or hand holding has ever occurred between you. Although, you think about it a lot, as does he, you don't really talk about frickle frackle in a serious manner very often. It makes you both blush and feel uncomfortable.

The few times you've accidentally caught him moaning with himself in the mornings or on weekends have left you both speechless and riled up... but nothing ever came if it. It's not that you didn't want it to happen, it just didn't, and you had a feeling it was because Jungkook didn't want to take advantage of you. Thinking back to those times you'd walked in on him, his moans always drove you insane, and you wished to be the one causing them.

Back in reality, Jungkook continued to kiss your neck. One of his hands found its way to your hair and lightly tugged as he kissed again, this time more serious. The kisses had been pecks at first, but had evolved from innocent to PG-13. It was likely that he'd work his way up to rated X soon.

He released his grip on your shoulder and moved around the chair to face you. Contrary to what you thought, he didn't look embarrassed or flustered. Jungkook pressed his lips to yours and pulled you to the edge of the seat. Without breaking the kiss, he lifted you and sat where you had been in chair, placing you down on the lap. You ran your fingers through his hair and he bit your lip. You moaned his name and he grabbed your hips, beginning to move them against him. You could tell he was hard.

After a few moments of the heated kiss, the phone rang. "Ignore it," he breathily whispered, "I don't wanna wait." Despite his request, you pulled away, causing Jungkook to moan a complaint. You reached toward the phone on the end table next to the chair and briefly checked the caller ID before answering it. Jungkook let out a sigh and tipped his head back, clearly impatient.

"Hey, Yoongi," you said cheerily through the speaker. Jungkook whipped his head up quickly and raised an eyebrow at you. "Uh, yeah," you glanced down at Jungkook's lap, smirked, and continued, "he's up." You raised an eyebrow at him teasingly and he pressed himself against you again, earning a soft moan that you covered up with a fake cough. Shooting a glare at your boyfriend, you said, "Here he is," and handed the phone to Kookie. After a few seconds, he rolled his eyes. "Can it wait? I'm kinda busy right now, hyung." He waited for an answer and then sighed.

"Okay. Fine. I'll meet you in 30 minutes." He hung up and laid the phone down on the arm of the chair. "Work stuff?" you asked. "Yep. He wants help writing a song."

"Couldn't he ask another member?" you laid one hand on his shoulder and the other on his chest, and pouted. "God you're cute," he stared at you for 10 seconds before snapping out of it. "I can't ditch him, I'm sorry. Everyone else is busy and I'm kind of grateful that he asked for my help."

"Okay. Have fun, Kookie," you went to get off of him and he grabbed your hips to stop you. "Wait," he kissed you again and licked your bottom lip before pulling away, "continue this later?"

He smirked and you shook your head in agreement. He lifted you off him, stood up, and kissed your forehead. "I'll be back in like an hour. Look forward to it." He winked and walked out the door, leaving you red faced and flustered.

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