Sabrina // 3

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(this is part 3 of the request by thedevilwasabi. I hope you like this chapter)

Walking home usually takes them about an hour. Today, however, Sabrina and Jungkook had to take a bit of a detour, if you will. They had gone about 3 more miles up the road from the park to get ice cream. That seemed like an innocent thing to do, but nothing Sabrina does is ever risk free or 'innocent.'

Let me elaborate. Sabrina, although appearing sweet and adorable, is the devil. That sounds like a joke, and if only it was one. She really is the actual devil. Of course she can conceal that side of herself, as most dark beings can, and she usually always does. That being said, once that side of Sabrina is brought out, there's definitely no hiding it. As long as she doesn't think about it, everything will be fine. It won't be a problem. However, sometimes people can get on her nerves.
"Jungkook! I know where we can go!" Sabrina said happily, as they stood staring at the duck pond.

"Where is that?" he asked, contently.

"To get ice cream. At the good shop, not the dumb one." He laughed at her.

"You'd rather walk three miles to Maria's shop than walk two blocks to Andy's?"

"Yes. Exactly. Andy can take one of his shitty waffle cones and-"

"Woah, okay. We'll walk to Maria's."

She smiled, "Yay. Thank you."

He took her hand and they began walking. Despite the distance they had to cover, they strolled along in a relaxed manner, taking their time to really enjoy the moment.

"It's your turn now," he said suddenly.

"My turn for what?"

"To tell me things. About you."

"Oh. Like what?"

"Anything. Everything. What were you most afraid of as a kid and why?"

"Oh, well, I wasn't really afraid of anything."

He gave a look of suspicion, but then again, maybe the sun, peaking over the horizon, just got in his eyes. "How is that?"

"Nothing scared me back then."

"Does anything scare you now?"

"Just one thing, but it doesn't matter right now."

"Okay," he said and smiled, deciding not to push the subject.

After they'd walked for an hour, Jungkook gently pulled her toward a wooden guardrail-type thing where they could look out over the town. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and held it in front of them with the camera open.

"1...2...3," he counted and took their picture. He smiled as he reviewed the phone screen. "You're very adorable, Jagiya," he giggled, placing two fingers on Sabrina's face, making her smile.

"Jungkook, stop, you're too cute," she poked his nose and he pulled her into a warm hug. She instinctively hugged him back, wrapping her arms around his waist. His were placed around her shoulders as he rested his chin on the top of her head, where he placed a small kiss.

Sabrina shut her eyes, taking in his lovely scent, and listening to the comforting sound of his heartbeat. She truly loves this boy with all of her heart. She'd never dream of hurting him, and if she ever did, she'd never forgive herself. He's the only person who had never brought out that side of her. The only person. Everyone else had, at one point in their lives, said too much, gone too far, or chewed too loudly and brought out her devil side. Jungkook never bothered her that much. Yes, he would drive her crazy and irritate the living hell out of her sometimes, but she never wanted to change around him... And she never had.

He let out a sigh, bringing her back to reality, and they stood there together for about 5 more minutes. Then, they kept walking.

They weren't that far from Maria's when Sabrina noticed a strange figure standing nearby, slowly following along behind them. She began getting frustrated with the person, but didn't say anything. Once they reached the ice cream shop, it was very evident that the figure, who turned out to be a man in at least his late thirties, wearing a leather jacket and jeans that were far too tight, was undoubtedly watching her. Jungkook hadn't noticed him.

"What flavor do you want, Rina? I'll go get it."

"Strawberry with oreo, please?"

"Of course, what size? Wait, nevermind. I already know," he kissed her forehead and walked around the small building to order. Sabrina was sat at a small table outside, around the side of the place.

Sabrina was now alone, keeping watch of the strange man out of the corner of her eye. Nobody else was out at this time. It was just her and the man, Jungkook, who wasn't within her view, and whoever was working at the shop tonight.

The creep slowly began walking in her direction, and in such a way that Sabrina could tell he had bad intentions. He sat down on the other side of the table. She avoided eye contact with him, her irritation intensifying with each second he spent staring at her. "Hey, tootsie," he began, with a heavy New York accent, "Ya look pretty cold. Why don't ya come over here and uh, warm ya-self up a bit, aye?"

She sighed, and politely said, "No, thank you."

He smirked, "Ahh, c'mon. I don't bite."

Sabrina smiled at him, "Well then. I do."

"Woah, a feisty one. I bet you're pretty kinky, right? How often do you and that pretty boy bump uglies?"

"Sir. Leave me. Alone."

"Hey now, there's no reason to be rude. I'm just messin around."

"I've warned you," she placed both hands on the table in front of her, glaring into his eyes, "leave me alone, or there will be fucking hell to pay."

The man was slightly taken aback by the tone of her voice, clearly not used to being shut down like this. Then, his ego got in the way of his common sense.

Irritated, he began, "Listen here, Princess," he pointed across the table at her, earning an entertained laugh from Sabrina, "Nobody talks to me like that."

"Really?" she said sarcastically, "Cause, uh... I think I just did."

Mr. Leather Jacket and Sweaty Forehead stood up and leaned toward her, attempting to grab her wrist. She swiftly gripped his arm, catching it in the air, and slowly moved her eyes up to meet his. "I believe you've made a colossal mistake." Her eyes, which were normally chocolate brown, were very obviously different now. One of them was now a glowing yellow, the other a blood red color. The man was speechless, and utterly confused, however he chose not to give up.

"What the hell, lady? Look, I don't have all day. Let's kiss a little bit and then I can, uh, go about my day, same as you. How's that sound?"

"I think," small, straight, red, slightly curved horns were now visible on her head, "you need to run."

"I don't run away from nobody. You don't scare me, bitch," he said in a cocky tone.

Sabrina closed her eyes, giving in and letting the other side of her out. Large, black wings, like those of a dragon, emerged from her back and flapped once, as a tail quickly grew from behind her. It was red and fluffy and had a heart arrow at the end of it. She developed claws that dug into the man's skin, drawing blood that dripped onto the table.

Sabrina stared into his eyes, "Oh, I really should," she smiled as though she were insane, showing off sharp, white fangs, and a snake-like tongue.

He screamed and struggled to release himself from her grip. "What the hell are you?" he yelled, falling backwards onto the grass.

She giggled, "The devil, silly."

There was a noise heard to Sabrina's left and they both glanced over. The man scrambled to get away, running as fast as possible, but Sabrina's gaze was stuck in the direction of what they'd heard. She saw the source of the sound. It had been two ice cream cones hitting the ground. Jungkook was standing by the corner of the building, mouth agape, staring at his girlfriend in disbelief.

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