comeback (both me, and him ;-)

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Original title: "who knows what this'll be (cause i sure don't and i wrote it)"
This was a draft when I opened it, so it was like almost a year old, oops, been a while. All I had was the first paragraph, I had no idea where I was going with it, so uh oops, had to make something up-
What have we learned from this? Things written when I'm tired don't end up so well!!


Walk normally. No one can tell something is off. It'll all be fine. At least you hope so. The streets of this city are chronically congested, so what are the chances someone would notice your slightly odd behaviour on a random Sunday afternoon?

"Excuse me, miss?" The voice makes you jump. Too much of a reaction for any average, calm person. It's a guy selling bagels. Relax. "No thank you," you reply, nodding slightly and scurrying away. He tried to put up an argument, as if an overpriced, underwhelming bagel would've been worth your time right now. But before he could actually get past his offended, spoken onomatopoeia, you were gone.

The apartment is five blocks away, you can make it there in a few minutes at most, but every second feels like eternity and every time you have to stop or slow down for the people around you, your stress level heightens. What's waiting for you in that small studio space is something you've craved for months, and waited for for weeks at a time. Though it'll surely be worth it, it's hard to keep your composure and act like everything is alright. The locals around you most likely think you're a tourist, based on your erratic, unfamiliar movements. Like you've never been here, like you don't know how the city works. Like you don't know you'll get to your destination on time, regardless of how it feels like you won't. Your heart is beating out of your chest and with every step you take, the faster it gets, and the more you feel like crying. You've never had such a confusing combination of emotions all at once. The entire situation is so hectic, but only within your mind. In reality it should be simple. You've done this before. Not with him... But you've done this before nonetheless.

At the steps of the big, brick building, you take a deep breathe that you didn't realise you needed. You didn't bring anything with you, other than your phone and the clothes on your back, yet it feels like you've just climbed a mountain carrying a heavy backpack. Each concrete step is making your legs feel more like jello, but you know it's just your nerves. You've never been this way in situations like these.

Checking the small slip of paper that was hidden in your pocket- and you knew damn well it was there, since you were so scared to lose it, you've been checking for it every few minutes. The apartment number was written in small handwriting in the upper right corner of the paper. 32-A. Finding it took maybe 5 minutes, but standing outside the door was when you really began to question this decision. You're excited, but nervous, and honestly quite scared. Not that you think you'll get hurt, physically at least, but maybe emotionally? You've never worried about that before, but now... with him...

You stare at the door for what feels like hours, but was actually more like 2 minutes.

Closing your eyes for a few seconds, you breathe. "Alright. Let's do this," you whisper to yourself, and then you slowly open the door. Once you step inside, the fear mostly becomes excitement. You feel bad and good at the same time. Sort of like a Veronica Lodge vibe.

The TV is playing in the other room and you're not sure whether to go toward the sound or just wander around for a bit.
Deciding on the latter, you slip up the staircase and find his bedroom, admiring the silk sheets and beautiful bedspread. It's not at all surprising that a man like him would have a bedroom so organised and well decorated. His walk in closet makes it especially easy to find a nice, white, cotton button down that you help yourself to and slip on. You leave your day clothes on his bedroom floor and sneak back into the hall to find your way downstairs again. If he's still watching TV, you can casually walk in and join him? There's nothing really wrong with that, right? I mean, getting almost naked in his bedroom and putting on his clothes is probably way past the point of being inappropriate, but... That's why you came here after all. Tip toeing through the house, barefoot now, since you discarded your shoes in his room as well, you check out all the awards and degrees on the wall. They're all hung there so nonchalantly, where no one, probably, pays any attention to them. He is an impressive man, and this is why you've been so patient with him.

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