you have a cold + slight smut

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~ Lol hey, didn't proofread this. It's not total shit, so like have fun, I guess ~


You sneezed for the thousandth time today, and then sighed, annoyed. Your phone lit up just as you reached for the tissue box next to you. You blew your nose, then checked the notification.
hey there, bby :-)

You smiled and lazily typed back a reply, dropping the phone onto the bed and leaning back against your pillow.

'Hii kookie'

He answered basically immediately asking you what you were up to today, and you sarcastically answered with 'Suffering. You?' He sent back the slant mouth emoji and then asked what was wrong.

'I feel tired, my head hurts, my nose is stuffy, I keep sneezing...'

He sent back a meme of himself with no explanation, and then didn't say anything else for about 30 minutes. After that, you received a picture from him- it was a selfie of him doing a thumbs up while holding a basket full of stuff. Confused, you sent 'what?'

The door opened downstairs and you jumped off the bed, creeping toward your open bedroom door to listen. You were worried until you heard Jungkook's familiar footsteps on the stairs. Then you saw him as he got to the top and started down the hallway, smiling when he saw you. There was a bag in his hand, and as he got to you, he tossed it onto your bed and pulled you into a hug. You had your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly, head resting on his chest, and his arms were looped around your shoulders, his head rested on top of yours. You took a deep breath, taking in his scent and loving it as always. One of his hands moved up to the back of your head and just held it in a caring manner.

He placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head and pulled away just enough to look at you. Having his eyes on you made you realise what you looked like right now. You were dressed in a t-shirt that was big on you- courtesy of Jungkook's dresser- pink, polka dot underwear, messy hair, and fuzzy socks. You blushed slightly, looking around at the ground, waiting for him to break the silence.

"You look adorable," he simply stated, then walked over to your bed, plopping down on it and dragging the bag he brought over to him. "Come here, baby." You shuffled closer to him and he pulled you in by the waist to stand between his legs at the edge of the bed. He paused, smiling at your still pink cheeks, then opened the bag and began talking as he pulled the contents out.

"So, I brought a couple different kinds of cold medicines, just in case one of them doesn't work and then we have backup. Also, I have bottled coffees, because caffeine can help with headaches and you like coffee. Uh..." he sifted through the bag, looking at what was left in it. "Oh yeah! I brought chocolate too, some tissues in case you run out," he gestured to the mess of used tissues all over your bed, "a couple movies, popcorn, fuzzy pyjamas that I got because you'd look cute in them, some snacks, and a couple other things that might help make you feel better."

You smiled and climbed onto his lap, a leg on either side of him, and hugged him again, mumbling into the crook of his neck, "Thank you, Kookie." He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you as close to him as possible. After a while, he leaned you backwards, and placed his hands gently on either side of your neck, his thumbs on your cheeks, maintaining eye contact for a moment. He brought your faces together and kissed you. It was more than a peck, and was quite intimate, but not heated. When it ended, he sighed, and lightly brushed his thumb along the sides of your face, then let his hands slide down your arms and return back to your waist. "What if you get sick now?" you asked, concerned.

"It's not like we don't have enough medicine in case. Besides, I'd rather deal with a cold than not kiss you." He licked his lips, then bit the bottom one. "What would you like to do first? Video games, movies, nap...?" He tilted his head, waiting patiently while you considered the options.

You bit your lip, looking upward while thinking. "How about," you started, letting your hands drift from his shoulders slowly down his chest, "we do this again?" You finished the sentence as almost a whisper, right next to his ear, and then nibbled his earlobe before placing kisses on his jawline. He let out a hint of a groan, before lightly grabbing your wrists and moving you away from him. His tongue was pressed against his cheek and then he sighed, smirking. "You're sick, baby. You need to rest. Please don't tease me." You pouted, and gave him puppy dog eyes. "But it's fun." He sighed again, spending a few seconds to stare at your outfit again, before saying, "For you and me both, baby, but you know how teasing usually ends up. Can you cuddle with me and watch Iron Man?"

"Okay, fine. But..." you puckered your lips, waiting, and he giggled before kissing you again. You pressed your hips into his and caught his bottom lip between your teeth. He let out a playfully frustrated groan and grabbed your ass with one hand, the other hand holding your hips as still as possible.

"I thought you had a headache," he breathed out after pulling away.

"I do, but I thought maybe if I can get my blood to rush somewhere else... it would go away," you said innocently, running your hands up and down his arms. He stared at your body once again, hesitating as he spoke, "I think you should watch a movie and get some rest. Sound good, princess?" Before you could answer, he repositioned the both of you on the bed, so you were up by the pillows with his arm around you and your head rested on his shoulder. Then you noticed something, as he was opening Netflix on the TV, and giggled quietly to yourself. "I don't think you want to watch a movie, Jungkook." You had a devilish smile on your face and he played dumb. "What makes you say that?" he asked, continuing what he was doing. "This," you said casually, rubbing your hand over the subtle bulge in his jeans. You left your hand there, moving it slowly, and his breathe got shallow, but he pretended he was fine even as the tent grew. "What movie do you wanna-" he let out a loud gasp noise as you rubbed your thumb over his clothed tip. "Baby, please," he begged. Not even he was sure whether he meant for you to stop or to keep going. You continued teasing him and kissed his neck a couple times, until he was whimpering and begging, then you crawled over to the bag he brought and pulled out one of the snacks. "Ooh, my favorite! Thanks, Kookie." You smiled at him, laid back down next to him, swinging a leg over him, and then picked a movie. He was taking deep breathes, trying to ease his frustration and ignore the raging erection he had thanks to you. After a while, he couldn't take it and spoke up over the movie, "Yah! Jagi! You're so mean. I brought you all of this stuff to make you feel better and then you tease the shit out of me?" You laughed at him and held his face in your hands. "I love you, Jungkook." He blushed and you kissed him, then laughed again and switched your focus back to the movie. He was a pouty, adorable brat the whole time, and even after the movie ended he was salty towards you. "Fine, you're such a child, Kook," you said, unzipping his pants.

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