Jungkook fluff

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~I wrote this in 1st person, please pretend all the "me," "my," and "I," parts are referring to you~

It's October now. The clock reads 1:13 AM. It's cold as fuck, and I can't sleep. My boyfriend, Jungkook, still isn't home, and that's annoying. He was supposed to be here by 10:30 last night, but he called around 11, saying Namjoon needed help with the music. These blankets are not warm enough, especially now that I've become accustomed to the heat of Jungkook pressed against me at night. I grabbed my phone and sent him a text.

'you're very rude, kookie'

He answered immediately.

'baby, wdym? i told you i would be home late'

This is gonna be a conversation. Sit tight for a moment.

'but baby boy :-( i miss you !! you're warm, and i'm so cold rn'

'oh, sweetie, im sorry. ilysm, i'll be home as soon as i can'

'i hope so .. it sucks going to bed without you'

'baby please don't make me feel bad, i miss you too, and im so tired, i just want to be home so i can cuddle you'

'im gonna cry- i wAnT cuDdLeS JUNGKOOK'

'dONT CRY bAbY, I love you, stop!!'

'I'm sorrryyyyy, can you blame me? look at yooou, you're so cute'

'you're making me get all mushy, babe'

'aw, cute. stop being cute'

'me? you're making me blush and im with namjoon!!!!! he can see me'

'just get your ass home. thanks'

'i'll come up with an excuse to get out of here'

I didn't reply that time, because chances are, he won't be home for another hour, at least. That's how it usually goes, anyway. I set my phone down and pulled the blankets as far up as possible, trying to get comfortable. I laid there for what felt like forever, until finally I heard the front door downstairs. "Baby?" I heard Jungkook whisper-yell. Not gonna answer. Too lazy. Too cold.
He tiptoed up the stairs and down the hall, cracking open our bedroom door. "Aw. Adorable." I smiled. He must think I'm asleep. I heard him walk toward his closet, and unbuckle his belt, dropping his pants down around his ankles before stepping out of them. After moving around for a moment, I felt him crawl into the bed, under the covers. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I was delighted to find that he was shirtless- because it's warmer that way, of course. I rolled over and brought my hands to his chest. He shivered, since my fingers probably feel like ice, but it's like Heavyn to me. He's so freaking warm. And his muscles are fun to feel, like damn son, yes. I intertwined our legs together. Fuck- he's wearing sweatpants. They're not as warm as his legs.

He hugged me tighter and started rubbing my back. "Is that nice, baby girl?" He whispered into my hair before pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I hummed in agreement and kissed his chest before nuzzling into him again. I ran my hands up and down his body, trying to warm them up as best as possible. He groaned, "Baby, I'm cold too, ya know? Your hands are freezing."  I mumbled a quick sorry and then began placing little kisses on his shoulder. "What's this for?" He smirked. I hummed, "I don't know. I just love you." A quiet giggle escaped him. "I love you too, y/n." He got a mischievous look on his face before wrapping his arms tightly around my waist and rolling over so he was pressing his entire body weight on top of me. It's not much, it's actually quite comfortable. Only problem is that I can't speak more than mumbles.

"Kookie, baby, what're you doing?" It was barely audible, but he understood well enough.

"Trying to rest. Shh," he sleepily said into the pillow underneath us.

"Do you plan on moving?"

"Mmm no."


"You're comfortable."

"I can't breathe."

"That's okay, sleep." He shifted around and got cozy, still on top of me, but at least I had sufficient access to oxygen now.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could without hurting him. No matter how close he is, I always want him closer.

"Y/n, stop squeezing me. You're gonna break my back," he whispered.

"I'm sorry, baby," I said, rubbing his back gently. He winced when my hand brushed over one area. "Jungkook, are you okay, sweetie? Did you get hurt?"

"I think I pulled a muscle while dancing today, it's nothing."

"Oh, Kookie," I audibly frowned. Yes, that makes sense. "Do you think a massage would help or make it worse?"

"You can try to do it if you want to. I won't stop you."

"You'll have to free me first."

He groaned, not wanting to move, before complying and rolling off of me.
He laid on his stomach next to me, and I gently pressed my hand against his back and rubbed.

"Hmm, Jagi. That feels good." He only ever calls me 'Jagi' when he's feeling extremely affectionate. I swung my leg over his butt to get more comfortable, and continued. I love this man so fucking much. He smells amazing, he sounds amazing, he dances incredibly, he's smart, he's adorable, he's kind and disciplined, he is just perfect. Everything about him makes me stop and admire his existence. And I doubt he even realizes any of it. "Jungkook?" He snored softly. I whispered my thoughts to him anyway as I rubbed his shoulders. "You are my favorite person, and I can't imagine a world without you. I hope you always stay by my side and never leave me. I wouldn't be able to handle the pain of losing you, so don't even think about going anywhere. I hope you eat well and get enough rest and are always as happy as you can be. You deserve the best, and although I know I am not good enough for you, I'm grateful that you think I am more than enough." A small smile appeared on his cute face, and at first I thought nothing of it, but then he grabbed my leg and pulled me onto him. "Jagi." I stared into his eyes that were now wide open and looking at me intensely. "I will never leave you. I love you too much. You mean the world to me, and we will always be together, okay?" I just nodded, not knowing how to respond. He pulled me down onto his chest and held me, pulling the covers up and keeping me warm as I had begged him to. I knew now that he'd always be there to keep me warm, from this moment on.

Gross. Anyway, this wasn't really meant to be taken as a real piece of writing, because I wasn't exactly trying to make it good. I just needed to pass time. So, I figured I could make something cute, and then hope someone liked it. I know it's been a  while, and also, this is somewhat short. It barely meets my minimum of 1,000 words, but hey, it got there. At some point, it turned more into 'how I feel about Jungkook' than anything else, so welcome to those thoughts. Hope you enjoyed.

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