dis cute too (part 1, ig?)

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"Ahh, that tickles!" you laughed, as your boyfriend pressed his lips to your stomach and blew, making a funny noise, similar to how people play with babies. "Jungkook!" you squealed again. He giggled and started lightly drumming on the exposed skin.

You two were hanging out on the couch together, in your living room, your body laid across his lap and your head resting on a pillow. He'd been at your house for a few hours now, and about 20 minutes ago he decided to push your shirt up and mess with your tummy. You'd only been dating Jungkook for a little over a year, but so far things were progressing at a slow, steady pace you both felt comfortable with.

The drumming ceased and you looked up, gazing at him, lazily, but cutely. He pulled your hand onto your stomach and started messing with your fingers, twisting the ring he'd given you for your birthday, (that you wear faithfully everyday, without fail), and then intertwined his fingers with yours. His head turned and he looked into your eyes. "Um..." he started, "so... I was thinking." You smiled, "Oh no, that's not good," you teased. A small chuckle escaped him and he continued speaking. "Would you," he used both his hand and yours to point at you, "go to dinner with me and... my... parents tonight?" The last few words were drawn out as if he wasn't sure he should say them at all.

"Umm," you sounded cheerful, glancing up, thinking, "I don't see why not. What time?" He smiled. "Really? All I had to do was ask? I thought you might not want to go, since 'meeting the parents' is like a big deal." He sounded really happy, which made you really happy as well. "Aw, Kookie, of course I want to meet your parents," you reached up, pulled him into a hug and then let him go again, "I hope they like me, oh my God."

He grinned and looked down, then back up at you. "They'll love you, I know they will," he assured you, "and dinner is always at 7:30 at my house." You glanced at the clock on your phone and it said 5:15. "Ahh!" you sat up, "We need to leave in 30 minutes if we want to be on time. I can't be late meeting your parents, I have to go get ready." Jungkook rested his hands on your thigh. "You look adorable now though, you don't need to change," he said. "Kookie, I'm not wearing sweatpants and a hoodie for this. It is a big deal, like you said."

You went to get changed and honestly had no clue what to pick. What says 'I am adorable and love your son, but have self respect and a sense of responsibility?'

"Jungkook!" you yelled from your bedroom, "Come help me, Oppa!" You heard him fast walking down the hallway and he walked through the door and sat on the foot of your bed. "Help you with what?"

"Picking an outfit, we only have 20 minutes now before we have to go."

"Move for a minute, I'll look in your closet," he said as he stood up. You traded places with him and he started shifting around hangers and considering his options. In basically no time at all, he pulled out a nice black top and pulled some jeans out of your dresser, handing them both to you. "Wear this, and pair it with your pink earrings, tan sandals and handbag," he suggested, (outfit image attached).

"Wow... Good choice," you praised, slightly impressed. He walked back over to you, placed his hands gently on your arms, kissed your forehead, and then flopped down on your bed. "Hurry up, Y/N," he mumbled into the sheets. He had put on black jeans and a red and black striped sweater, so he was all ready to go.

You changed quickly and searched for the sandals, finding them at the back of your closet. Rushing over to your jewellery box, you dug through it and found the earrings, shoving them into your ears and struggling to get the backs on them. Jungkook got up, calmly walked over, pushed the backs of them on and grabbed your bag out of the desk chair nearby. He gestured for you to exit the room first, and then followed, shutting the door behind him. You heard him shuffling his feet quickly and then he lightly smacked your butt before walking beside you. You laughed, "Really?" He bit his lip, not seductively, but in more of a playful way. "What? You look really good," he explained.

That must be why he chose these jeans.

** in the car **

You glanced over at the center console, where your hand was held comfortably in Jungkook's. Then you shifted your eyes up to look at him as he drove. It was a sight you could watch forever, and never get tired of seeing. You zoned out for a while, but you're not quite sure how long.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," he turned and looked at you for a moment, laughing. You blushed and apologized. "Do I have something on my face? Is that it?" You giggled- something you seem to do a lot when he's around. "No, Kookie, I just like looking at you." He mindlessly rubbed your thumb as he focused on the road.

"We should be there soon, we aren't far now," he said. Trips to Jungkook's house aren't common for you, since you don't have a car, and when you do go, it's always on a weekend. It takes almost 2 hours to drive from your house to his, which isn't very convenient for either of you, but it's not something that bothers you guys a lot.

Distance means nothing when someone means so much.

You pulled into his driveway and he put the car in park, turning the key and removing it from the ignition. Both of you turned and looked at each other, excitement and nervousness on both of your faces.

Jungkook leaned towards you, placed his hand on the side of your face and kissed you. Every time he does that, it always feels like the first. Magical and warm and loving. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on yours, looking into your eyes, and stroked your cheek with his thumb. "They'll love you," he whispered, "I promise." You stayed in the car like that for a few minutes before deciding it was time to face your fears. It's not that his parents scared you, but the worry that they won't approve of you had always been in the back of your head ever since you started dating Jungkook.

When you stepped out of the car, he grabbed your hand and walked with you to the front door. He pressed the doorbell and a few moments later, a nice looking woman came to the door and smiled at the two of you. She opened it and invited you in, introducing herself as Mrs. Jeon.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Y/N! Jungkook here has told us so much about you already," she gushed. He blushed as his mom kept talking. "It's quite nice to see him so happy all the time, and whenever I ask him why he's so smiley, he says it's because he gets to call the most beautiful girl his own. Oh, he's most definitely smitten." Your face got extremely red after hearing that. You looked at your boyfriend out of the corner of your eye and saw him smiling at the ground. 'He's such a cutey. I'm most definitely the luckiest girl ever right now,' you thought. Mrs. Jeon told you that you look nice and that dinner would be ready very soon, so you could take a seat at the kitchen table now. Kookie sat down next to you and placed his hand on your knee. That's one of the many things you treasure about Jungkook. He always touches you, whether he realizes it or not. It's like he subconsciously feels the need to, and you love it.

After the food was prepared and brought in, his family joined you at the table. You'd been worried about awkward silences and judgement, but there weren't any. Mr and Mrs. Jeon were very friendly people, much like Jungkook, which makes perfect sense, and they made you feel welcome. There was a steady conversation going at all times, and lots of laughter amongst the four of you.

"Y/N, next time you come over, hopefully Jungkook's brother will also be home. He'd love you as much as we do," said Mr. Jeon.

"As long as he doesn't step past any boundaries," Jungkook said, somewhat jokingly, "because I most definitely will not be sharing!"

author's note:
so i feel like this one was really shitty. it actually has taken a while to write this one, because i kept taking breaks, and now im really tired. idk, there just aren't enough interesting details, in my opinion. definitely the worst imagine so far, sorry. future ones will be better.

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